Chapter 15 - Monster Monster

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A/N - Two chapters in two days! It's almost like I have a weekend off! (I do) Please enjoy!

Tom's POV:

         "Soo? What's the problem, my friend?" I walk beside Matt who was hustling towards the field exit. 
         "I wanted to offer you an opportunity to escape this wretched place..." Matt whispers to me and holds open the door to the outdoor training grounds. 
         "Matt, you know I cannot do that. He'd blow off my head and then kill you in the most brutal way possible". I say with fear running through my thoughts. We start to walk down the pathway. 
         "I know about your visors purpose of keeping you near him and leaving the property so I grabbed this to remove that feature and the tracker". Matt slips out my makeshift scalpel from the bathroom and taps the side of the blade. 
        "Where'd you find that! I thought I told you to never go rooting through my stuff!" I growl in anger. I can feel the tips of my teeth getting sharp.
         "I want to help you, please...Tom Edd and his friends are more than willing to create a diversion to let us escape to Britain and home". Matt pleads as he blocks me with his hands on my pauldrons, tears pricking the edge of his one real eye. I brush his hands off and then coolly say, 
        "I don't want to be the cause of your and all of Britain's death. Red told me that if I betray him or insult him enough, he'd fire nuclear weapons on Britain and it would be all my fault. Do you think I'd take a risk that fucking lethal?" Matt's face dropped from sincere to shocked. 
        "T-Tom...What has he done to you?" Matt stammers out in shock. 
        "I'm fine...I've never been happier..." I force out with a smile. 

        "The guys I led Russia were right..." I watch as Matt hesitated at me. Where is he going with this? 
"What did they say about me?" I say with agitation in my voice and my hand hovering over the sword hilt. Matt's face drained of colour as I now am gripping the handle. 
        "They called you a lapdog on tenterhooks and behaves like an obedient pet..." Matt squeaked out in fear. I lose my cool and draw my weapon. 
         "Tell me who said this". I say in a bitter voice with the blade tip on his neck. Matt looks like a deer in headlights. 
         "I'd never tell you, plus killing is not what you'd do. Honest to god, you're acting like him. I don't know what he did to you last night and in the past, but I failed to protect you as a friend...You're a Reddie. There's no denial anymore..." Matt said in a sour voice. I notice that a crowd of spectators have accumulated around the argument and all have angry faces towards Matt. 
         "Tier One Purple Commander, by the power of the Red Leader and my new ranking. I am leaving you here to be corrected by these men and women and to be left alive! No broken bones either!" I order the crowd to beat him up. I then sheath my sword and sock Matt right in the face and step out of the way. They oblige and pounce on him like hyenas on a wounded elephant. 
          "Indubitably..." I say without remorse and turn away from him to return to Red.
          "Tom..." I hear Matt whisper and I ignore. What have I done...Matt is right, I am behaving like him... I stare at the sky and walk up to the entrance.  

I return into the building and head up to the office. As I walk down the halls, I notice everyone salutes me or bows in my direction. I turned a corner when a young-faced distracted cleaning attendee bumped into me with her cart. 
         "Ouch! Watch where you are going!" I snap at the poor girl, who looked like she wanted to ball her eyes out. 
        "Oh! My Leader...I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" She begs on her hands and knees. 
        "Rise, my friend...Tis just a mistake. Now leave before you are late for your next cleanup". I say calmly. 
        "Thank you for your mercy..." She bows and then sprints away with the cart. I eventually arrive at Tord's office. I still refuse to call it shared... Pressing my hand into the door scanner, I feel the prick of the blood test and the door slides open. I adjust my tie and decorations to get rid of my nerves. I walk past my desk and see that Tord's office door is wide open.

Ruthless Hearts-{TOMTORD/TORDTOM} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now