Chapter 28 - Head on Head

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A/N - Another chapter for you all and a warning about gore and graphic details! Also, this is the final part of The Taken Arc!

Red's POV:

We come over this 'base' with troop carriers, quads, motorcycles and I ride in my attack helicopter with only Pat and Paul on board with me. My body shaking from a bitter rage as I sense my love is in mortal danger and I need to save him from his cruel prison. I sigh as I feel two hands on both of my shoulders. I smile looking back and forth at my loving adoptive parents as I swallow the lump in my throat. 
        "Yes?" I ask with sincerity as I check the time. 
        "Even if this doesn't go to plan, we still love you Tord..." Pat reassures me as I clench my fists in bitter emotion. 
        "If I fail? In that scenario, I do not know how I will be human if he dies...I'll be broken, a heartless man with ruthless intents to keep the world in forever grief if I lose this fight!" My lip trembles as Paul holds me a radio to make the order. 
         "Just don't get your brains blown out, please?" Paul tilts his head and fixes my helmet to straighten it. I yank the radio from his hand and sigh to get the final nerves out. 
         "We are arriving in T-minus two minutes and there will be...NO MERCY RULE TO ENLIST THEM! I WANT THIS LAND TO BE PAINTED THE DEEPEST SHADE OF RED EVER SEEN! NO MERCY, NO SURVIVORS!" I bark into the radio as I get a chorus of acceptance of the order. I smirk as the helicopter then hovers about ten meters away from the entrance as we get heavy fire. I deploy the bullet shields for the three of us as the ladder is lowered. We climb down the swinging ladder as the murder-hungry men break the door down and we all flood into the base. I start my fight by closing the shield and then killing seven rebels with my arm and gun to cut a path closer to my love. I then see the wall is smashed by Paul in a giant robot that can take a hit. His robots' machine gun unloads a barrage of bullets as my men infiltrate the base even more so. 

As for me, I slink towards where Hyde is located. Killing rebels here and there without a hint of remorse. I actually giggled like a child as I blew a mans' brains out on the wall and his cranium oozed the glorious red stuff I love to get covered in. So I check the perimeter back and forth and stick my gloved fingers into the spreading blood and paint deep red lines running down my cheeks and forehead to emulate old Nordic war paint. I smile as I am honouring my ancestors. 
           "Gi meg de røde styrken!" I say to people who had bared the red and gold symbol of my beliefs. I stop my thoughts as I am surrounded by about twenty rebels with guns pointed.
          "Heh, hello rebels! It's sure a pleasant sight to see my enemies so eager to end my life...Though, I don't care about yours!" I smirk as the rebels look confused by me. I pull out my shield and throw a shrapnel bomb in the air to blow these rebels apart. BOOM! The bomb explodes and kills all of the rebels in my fucking way. Continuing on, I eventually arrive at a door that has an engraved wooden label that just says, Ryder Hyde. I growl and kick the door open to see that this room is pitch black without lights. 

I enter the room with extreme caution and the lights queue on to reveal a quaint little office with a clearly beaten, abused, weakened, malnourished, and a whole slew of things wrong with him. My heart skips a beat as I see him, Tom.
        "Thomas!" I say rejoiced and see that his visor is completely fucked as the screen keeps glitching like a mofo. His eyes are also the same pale blue of the Servitude chip...Odd?
         "T-Tord..." Tom winces out in audible pain as he sits up against the metal pole that he is restrained to like a dog with pounds of heavy metal chains. 
          "Hehehehehe..." I hear familiar chuckling as I spin around to see Terra, my secret spy leaning against the wall drinking a glass of water. I am still pissed that I forgot to request a fucking satellite tracker in her! I glare at the cybernetic woman I fixed and point my arm at her. 
          "The fuck you want bitch?" I sneer at her as I rush over to Tom to free him. 
          "To keep you busy!" She snickers as she rushes to stop me from freeing him. 
          "I'm going to get you out of here!" I say as I take six steps back to prime my arm to melt the chains. Tom looks nervous as Terra points a gun at me. 
          "Shoot me, I dare you!" I test her. 
          "Tord! Sh-she's just fucking with you, it's a trap-" Tom blurts out as he gets slapped across the face with the blunt end of Terra's gun. Tom hisses in pain but goes back to being silent. 
          "Shut up you blue bitch!" Terra snaps at Tom who coils in waiting for another blow, but it does not come as she backs off. 
           "I don't care, I want to get you outta here with me!" I insist as I kiss him on the top of his messy and clumped hair. I try to free him and as I pull a particular chain and it sends a brutal electrical charge through my robotic arm!
         "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell in shock as my arm flashes the warning light as the electric charge caused an overload to my arm's laser blaster. My arm is fucked! Tom looks like a deer in headlights as I feel the cold end of a gun pressing against my upper back...Shit...

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