Chapter 27 - When The Night Sky Cried Blue Tears

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A/N - There will be a massive time skip within this chapter. 

Tom's POV:

It has been over a year since I was taken from Tord's warm embrace. I am afraid that if run Hyde will kill me or hurt me again. As I remember I cannot speak, act or move in any way that may piss Hyde off...I glance at the man who has fucked my head up to the point I do not know what is wrong or right anymore. Seeing him makes me want to try and kill him but what punishment will that lead me to? Strewn up and the rebels torture me? Or Hyde keeping me in his room like a fucking pet! I told him off once and he changed my chip to the Servitude variant that Tord used on me when I was accepting my position as the Blue Leader. My eyes are light blue instead of their glowing green. 

         "Servant, come here I need you to look at this plan," He beckons me as I quietly approach him to see the plan of attack against Tord's pushback as he took part of the UK back! I see three folders on his desk and I gently pick them up to assess. 
         "Give me half an hour and I will be back with my report," I flatly respond and start for the chair in the corner. I was suddenly stopped by a firm grip on my wrist. He has come around the desk and pulled me into his insane lust. We meet nearly eye to eye with him only about four inches taller than me. 
          "Sit here, you Blue harlot," he orders as he drums the top of his desk with the flat of his palm. I wince as I know what he wants. 
          "I don't want to do this today Hyde-" My face was silenced by a blow to the jaw. I hiss from the sudden pain and growl at him, my temper rising substantially. 
          "You are now the property of this rebellion and I liberated you to do what you do best you fucktard!" Hyde slams me face-first into the hard floor as I let the folders make a mess in this office. Hyde sits on me as I feel him touching me in places I do not want him to. 
          "I never wanted you to pick the best one, I already did so. I wanted you to go through the special order again with me!" Hyde then pushes my face harder on the floor as I whimper in more pain. 
           "Execute final protocol TORD!" Hyde orders me as he gets off of me. 

I stagger up and hold the sides of my head in panic as I feel the torture and paranoia kick in. 
          "The only way to free yourself is to kill the one holding you back..." Hyde grins as my visor comes off to let Lyssa take partial form. I need to follow orders...I need to kill him to be free...My mind starts to lie as I drop to my knees and the voices in my head start screaming the messages again, again and again! 
           "Good slaves follow orders..." I say with a deadpan voice and start to see every face as Tord's. I curl into a ball as I partially morph into Lyssa and everything goes into a blur as Terra brings in a normal Reddie that now looks like the Red Leader. I hear his cries that he sees the Blue Leader alive but I want him dead.
          "AAAAAAHHH!" A shrill scream escapes him as the whole world went into darkness...

I woke up in another cold sweat as I see that I am in Hyde's room and it is still barely daytime. I glance at the wall clock and see that it is nearing seven at night. Hyde's going to come in any minute now to fuck with me... In my own head, I know that this is seriously wrong as I lay in the position he likes me in. So I remove my mandatory day clothes and put on the nightwear that is more lingerie than pyjamas. I then take a drink of bourbon that he has in his bedside table drawer. I hide the bottle hastily as I hear his voice coming near. 
          "...Take them out and do not fail this time!" I hear Hyde order another poor soul around as he opens the door. I sit quietly on the bed as I see him slamming the door shut and going into the bathroom. What happened? I blankly look at the window as I see Tord's reflection in the glass. I reach out for him as I feel a hand grip my neck. My breath hitches as he turns me around and pins me down. 
          "I need you to do something for me?" Hyde says in his possessive voice. My skin crawls in discomfort as I see him holding a small drinking canister in his free hand. I hesitate as he forces my mouth open and pours the red liquid in my mouth. I immediately wail in pain as the liquid sears the back of my throat. Hyde keeps me on my back as start to gag out black ooze from my mouth and nose. Hyde frowning from my body's reaction lets me go as I run to the bathroom to throw up whatever that was. I spend about a minute over the bowl as I hear the hum of Hyde's electrified whip. I freeze in fear as I hear the thwapping sound begin...
          "AH!" I yelp in more pain as he whips me in the back.
          "Silence you!" Hyde snarks at me as he continues to whip me raw. 
          "Stop it please!" I plead as he turns up the electricity. About forty whips later, I bite my lips to stop the pleasure moaning. I do not know when I started getting pleasure from the brutality and suffering, but I hate the pain until it's administered to me...I then hear the whip being turned off as I lay on the floor wanting him to end my life or just do me instead...

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