Chapter 24 - The Scapegoat

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A/N - Hello all, yooo! I was able to squeeze some time into writing another chapter this week! Also, this is the start of a five-part arc! So I hope you enjoy it! <3

Tom's POV:

I bolt up awake with my head feeling like shit. I look back and forth to see that this is a prison cell. I try to move one of my hands and then realize I am chained up by electrocuffs.
        "Ugh, my head feels like I drank too much fireball..." I stand up and try to walk towards the cell door but then fall over as I pass a certain red line. 
        "Oh come on!" I glare and then see the cell door swing open with six or seven rebels entering the already cramped room. 
        "What the fuck do you want from me, rebel scum?!" I spit on the rebel who hoisted me up to stand. No response and I pester on,
        "Oh? Are we playing the silent game? I'd like to join but I have to go because I should not be here". The rebel who helped me up then punches me hard in the chest. 
        "Shut your trap! Or we will!" He growls out with teeth flaring. I raise an eyebrow and stick my tongue out. 
        "That's it!" He snaps his fingers and I am muzzled with a thick cloth. Really?! 

        "Strip him," he orders the other men to forcefully undress me to my underwear. 
        "Mph! Mph!" That was all I could say with the muzzle as they forced me naked. I of course hid the ring in my fist to hide it or they just did not want to rip the rig off of me. I am then given a black onesie suit that has a high collar, underwear and an ugly sweater that looks like it will itch to all hell. They take the time and effort to dress me up and still managed to draw blood.
          "We are to transfer you to the maximum-security cell..." The cranky rebel explains as tight electrocuffs are bound to my neck and feet. This is Red Army tech! They stole it! I glare at the rebels who took off the gag. 
         "What is the meaning of this?! Red Leader has tracking components in my visor! He will find me in a matter of days!" I sneer as an electrocuff muter is applied to my mouth. 
        "Ryder Hyde disarmed it easily with a couple of modifications to your body controllers of course! Oh, by the way, he has been primed to approach," Another rebel explains while he is typing fast on a tablet. I glare and then get pushed up the stairs. We all file out and I see that there are many rebels staring at me with hatred or fear of death. My body then goes robotic, like when Tord forces me to walk or do something against my will and we walk to a heavily guarded cell. The metal door is opened with a distinctive buzz as I regain motion in my body. The rebels remove the muter and push me into the cell. All of the rebels laughed as I, of course, landed on my side and I feel something wet on my hand. I hope that's just water...I growl and then finally notice that I am not wearing shoes, but these attached socks on my feet. 

       "Why am I not wearing shoes?" I ask the soldier that pushed me in. 
       "Of all the things to complain about, you complain about fucking shoes?" He scoffs at me in surprise. 
        "I just don't want to step in glass or whatever this shit is?!" I snap back. The soldier facepalms and reefs my undershirt from another of his peers. He calmly enters the cell and wipes the mysterious liquid off the floor. 
        "Hey! That's my shirt! Are you dense?" I glare at the audacity of this prick. 
        "You won't be needing these linens anymore..." He grins as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. Taking a slow and rough drag he then presses the butt of the cigarette on the top of my hand. 
        "OW! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? DID YOU JUST GIVE ME A CIG BURN?!" I scream in pain as he slaps me across the face. 
        "Shut up you bitch! If was the leader, I and many of us would love to kill you in the most painful way and then drop your carcass right on Red Leader's front doorstep...But unfortunately, Ryder has other plans for you..." He drones on and I ignore him by turning him out. I was about to say something sarcastic but then I heard a voice I have not heard since I left...That place.
         "Maxwell! Enough!" She grunts at the jackass who bitchslapped me, "Is this the Blue Leader?" She approaches me without care but then drops her clipboard. 
         "Thomas...?" She says with shock and then pushes the square-framed glasses back up the arch of her nose. Maxwell looks shocked and backs away, closing the cell behind him.

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