Chapter 18 - Alternate Altercations Pt. II

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A/N - Sorry for another hiatus! I'm super busy with classes and finding it harder to write this book with consistent (Weekly/Bi-weekly) updates...It's also winter break for me, so hopefully, I'll post more chapters this week or next??

Tom's POV:

Matt crawls over beside me and I was about to open my mouth to respond but Tord placed his human hand on my lips. He mouthed,
         "I've got this," he walks up to the other Tom and offers his robotic hand for a handshake. The other Tord steps in front of the other Tom and he points his laser at him. Tord sighs and pushes past the now confused other Tord. 
         "Look here other me! You are not to approach the Blue Leader unless he indicates that he wants to speak with you directly," he explains while my Tord once more offers a handshake to the other me. 
         "I am the Red Leader of my world and I was originally here to collect this dumbass," he points at Matt who was standing up and checking his neck with his pocket compact mirror.
         "But now, due to circumstances I am here to meet you and understand that there is another reality than just mine..." Tord smiles as the other Tom shakes his hand and then claps Tord's shoulder. The other Edd has pulled our Matt to the side and they are chatting about something that I cannot hear.
         "Agreed, we will go our separate ways and discuss the differences between our worlds. It seems that Edd and Matt are having a conversation here, so I'll take your Tord and my Tord will take the other Tom," The other Tord agreed with a slightly insane smirk. I watch as the other Tord walks up beside me and takes my hand and kisses the top of it. I glare at him and reluctantly agree with the other me. 
           "Wonderful!" Red beams and straightens up to talk with the other me.
           "I'll take you to my personal quarters, alright?" Other me offers.
           "Just one second," Red hustles back over to me and holds me close to his warm body. 
           "Thomas if you get into trouble, you know what to do," Red says sincerely as he lifts my head up with his pointer and middle finger. I look into his one eye and see an emotion I rarely see him show, nervousness and slight fear... 
          "I do..." I pull out the small emergency controller that gives me the ability to override the NERO_chip and escape. 
          "Good boy," Tord kisses me on the lips and I just take it. He breaks the embrace and he walks towards the other me. 

          "So, do you want to hang out in my bedroom to talk?" The other Tord asks me. 
          "Wonderful!" He forcefully takes my hand and we walk to his bedroom. It is weird touching Tord's human right hand again, even though it is alternative reality...As we were walking down the long and eerily cold halls I ask,
          "It's going to give me pain with calling you 'The other Tord', what can I call you instead?" His visor-covered face perks up and he smiles softly.
          "You can just call me Tord, it doesn't bother me in the least." He takes a swig of a micro pocket flask and wipes his lip. 
          "Want some?" Tord offers me while holding the silver flask in front of my chest. 
          "Sure," I nod and pluck the drink from his gloved hands. I take a small sip to identify the drink. I could taste an ice-cold drink that was warm to the tongue and that gently burned in the back of my throat. 
          "Is this Canadian Whiskey?" I ask while taking another drink. 
          "Yes, I do love whiskey from around the world." He takes the flask back while capping it and slipping it back under his red velvet vest. We walk for a few minutes and then stop at a bright red door. Tord takes off his left black leather glove and places it flat on the Id-ing machine. He winces slightly as the door makes a chime indicating that it is opening. Tord puts his glove back on and enters the room after me. I take a seat in a large red wingback chair and see that Tord is taking off his vest and tie. He lazily throws the items on the floor without care, only leaving his black high-collared undershirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He lets out a heavy sigh and flops on his giant red bed. There is a brief period of awkward silence as he sits up and speaks up, 
           "How are you feeling?" Tord asks me, his red eyes glowing in the dimly lit room. 
           "Oh, I feel ok...I guess," I sigh and rub my neck in discomfort, "How about you?" 
           "I'm the same".
           "Cool...Soo, what do you want to talk about?" I ask him with a calm voice.

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