Chapter 39 - Is It Really Over? (Dark Ending)

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A/N - This is the Dark Ending of Ruthless Hearts! I hope you like it!

Mini Tom's POV:

The light is so close, but I am starting to suffocate in the blackness. I push as hard as possibly could, but the light just seemed to be too far for me to reach the end. Was there even an end to this hell? Was there even a chance to live again with the mortals? I try to do everything to appease the world, but no...Failure is like my shadow. Constant and never-ending for me. I aggressively swim like hell to get my hands out into the light but my body is screaming for air. I do not think I am going to make this...I know that I have seconds before I drown. My throat lets out a carbon bubble as the black liquid rushes into my mouth and then into my lungs and stomach. Writhing and knowing that I am nearly there, I clamp my mouth shut and swim for another five seconds and the light is now blinding. Smiling, I breach one hand out of the darkness but the hands of shadows pull me back down with a heavy splash. 
          "No!" I say and then start to fully drown as the hands cause me to f
all back down into the eternal abyss. I float lifeless and know that I cannot do anything anymore. I gave up and called for Lyssa to save me...She did not come as she was fighting off the darkness. 

Red's POV:

His body was showing signs of success, but then...Tom's vitals then inexplicably dropped. I stood up as I saw the machine gages enter the red zone. It seems that Tom's brain could not accept the technology of resurrection. The doctors saw my look and in an instant, they rushed to save the failure of the machine. The doctors and machine workers tried everything they could, but no. Thomas's heartbeat which has been beating for over 200 years, flatlined...No, no, no, no! My heart shatters in a million pieces as I see red. I am shaking in anger as I lean against the wall and clutch the fabric of my uniform above my heart. Taking deep breaths, I turn around and rest my head on the blue wall.
         "Is it really over?!" I scream in raging grief and punch with my right fist at the wall causing a hole to form within the concrete. "Is it really over...Is it..?" I whimper with my lip quivering. 
         "Sire?" Doctor Annya speaks terrified of me. I sharply look over my shoulder and look the doctor in the eye. The whole room is quiet except for the sound of the IV machine wailing. 
         "Leave," I grumble, too low for anyone to hear. 
         "I missed that? What did you say, my Leader?" She swallows her nerves. It takes me everything to not murder her and the other doctors in here. 
         "I SAID LEAVE ME HERE! NOW!!" I explode as I enter a wild rage of grief. 
         "Your will is my command," she obediently exits the room with the others. I am left alone with Thomas dead...and the others in the deep freeze. 

Something inside of me snapped, broke like a thin wire exploding from too much tension. 
         "It's my fault...It's my failure for not protecting him from Hyde...It's my failure from not stopping Edd and Matt from telling Hyde all about us...No. It's their fault," I come to the realization that I must end them for doing that! So in a weak stride, I unfreeze the pair and think about Hyde being put in another location, so I do not continue his torture and kill him. Edd and Matt land on their chests as they wake up groggily. 
          "T-Tord?" Edd raises his head in much confusion. I say nothing but draw my gun in hand.
          "Huh?" Matt pipes up.
          "I'm glad you're awake...I need to deal with you two!" I say with a slight snarl. I see red. 
          "What are you talking about?" Edd sits up and helps Matt to a kneeling position, staring at me. 
          "You were our friends! You gave the rebel, Ryder Hyde the information to stop us...So for this, I hate you two!" I rip off my eyepatch and let the blood mixed tears streak my fucked up face. 
         "You're crying!" Matt looks worried as I touch a red tear and flick it at him. 
         "He's dead because of you two! You gave him the information to stop us and it led to his death!" I snarl at them as they recoil in surprise. 
         "Him who? What?" Matt looks visibly confused, "Wait...Where's Tom?"
         "Yeah, where's Tom?" Edd chimes in with a worried glance back and forth. I shakily raise my gun and point it at them. 
          "Tord?! What the hell are you doing?!" Edd says shocked. The tears roll faster as I silently prime the gun and the laser shot glows hot. 
          "...Tord?" Matt gasps. My posture is flawed, but I know that I must get rid of the enemy. 
          "Thomas," I reply as cold and soulless as my voice could go. 
          "WHAT?!" They both say in unison. My rage subsides for a second but it boils up again. 
          "DEAD! HE'S DEAD! I FAILED HIM AND YOU TWO DID TOO!" I shriek as I snap back to my murderous stare. 
          "My god...You're going to kill us. Aren't you?" Edd figured it out. I look away, flustered. 
          "I'm sorry. I'll make this quick on you two..."
          "TOR-" Edd pleas as it falls on deaf ears. Without hesitation, I fire the gun twice and shoot them both dead. Their bodies crumpled to the floor with faces permanently twisted in shock and betrayal. My adrenaline comes down as the running blood from the bullet singes oozes to the edge of my boots. I drop the gun in immediate regret. 
          "What have I done..." I fall to my knees and cover my eyes in regret. "I'm all alone..." I stand up and walk to my dead lover's side. I drop to my knees again and look at his unmoving chest. 
          "All I wanted was to love you and eventually have my friends with me to the end...But now, that'll never happen as I am forever alone," I bury my face into Thomas's now silent chest and sob into him. 

Ruthless Hearts-{TOMTORD/TORDTOM} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now