Chapter 12 - Am I a Machine?

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A/N -  I have a question for everyone who is reading. The planned ending could come out in one or the other (Bad or Good Ending kind of thing), do you want both results or just one way? Please let me know! Thankies! <3

(One Month Later) Mini Red's POV:

I stare into the void as I wait for the stupid cybernetics doctor, who is fucking late again! I rest my head on my desk and close my eye for just a moment when Tom swings the door open and a nervous lady wearing a black medical coat. A splatter of what looks like blood is on her face. She wipes the worst of the mess off her face.
           "Sir, that doctor you spoke to earlier has returned with her report". Tom says in a robotic tone as I nod in agreement.
           "I have lots of work to be done, so do I have permission to not attend this meeting?" Tom asks me.
           "Yes you may and please lock the main door when you close it". I smile as Tom closes the door rather firmly behind the terrified doctor. I adjust my right shoulder pauldron and clear my throat,
           "Sit, Ms. Hilda Humphrey. We have a few things to discuss". She shifts in her seat and averts eye-contact with me.
           "The vict-I-I mean, the patient is ready for deployment, sir...When do you plan to release the rebel spy?" 
          "Tomorrow you will let her go as my puppet!" I grin as I push the white paper envelope with a rubber seal closing the important information tight.
          "What's this, my Leader?" The doctor nervously grabs the large envelope and reads the labels.
          "Do be a good doctor and read this in your office. I have a lot of work to do and you are just a slight complication that I do not need right now...So please, go away, and please tell Blue to come into my office when you leave...We need to talk". I say rather gruffly as she stands up and bows out of the room. 
          "Sir, yes sir". She leaves the door open ajar.

I hear the main door lock shut as Tom enters my office. He takes the same seat Hilda was just sitting in, across from me. I press the automated curtain closing mechanism and they slide shut. 
         "I thought I said I have a lot of work to do..." Thomas grunts with an annoyed stare. 
         "Thomas...Thomas...Thomas...You know I can assign less work for you and place it on someone else, just let me know...Now please stay quiet". I smile wickedly as I stand up and walk around the desk to a nervous Tom. I place my left index finger and thumb under his chin to make Thomas look solely at me. 
           "What do you want from me?" Thomas stares blankly at me.
           "This". I place a gentle, but a harsh kiss on his tender lips. He fights it for a second or two but eventually melts into my embrace. I grab him by the tie and force Tom to stand and to be close contact, my heart on his heart. This moment feels like a perfect million minutes when I let go of him, to get air. Tom pushes off of me
          "Why do you do this? Why am I the one who is treated like this?!" Tom retorts at me with his teeth slightly getting sharper. I giggle softly at Tom's sudden attitude and reply,
          "Thomas...I love you for who you are, my little bluebird! I treat you this way because many other soldiers would willingly give themselves to me and would have way better form than you do. But, I suppose I have an emotional connection to you, a sense of love, a feeling that others could never give me. Remember, Matt, Edd and you made me feel like a human being for once, not just a military prodigy!" 
           "Oh..." Tom trails off.

           "Now about your attitude." I pause for dramatic effect. "Ever since our date you've been acting like a temperamental child and I am this close to losing my shit on you!" I make a pinching hand symbol and wrap my robotic hand around his neck, hoisting his feet of the ground. God, I love the super-strength this arm gives me! I lose track of what I was doing and I can hear Tom weakly crying and thrashing wildly from my crushing grip. Tom looks like a deer in headlights.
          "T-Tord...P-please let me g-go!" Tom croaks out. I lessen my grip and then free him to the floor. 
          "T-thank you Tord, for letting me go". Tom bows on his hands and knees to my feet. 
          "Good boy...Now for your punishment...What shall it be for not being obedient?" I pause to think. What will break him morally? Vodka! 
           "I will be revoking your vodka and alcohol access and gifts to only receive them when I feel like you deserve a drink". Tom's visor flashes error and he stands up to straighten his tie.
            "Yes, my leader..." Tom grits through a smirk and exits my office in silence. I can hear him locking my door.

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