Chapter 26 - Detrimental

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A/N - This chapter will have some very serious topics in it and if anyone is upset by this please let me know as I do not want to trigger anyone. 

On a positive note, if anyone wants a (free, I think the paid commission thing is weird) drawing or a sketch of a character, scene or other, please contact me through the messages function via my account or Reddit (Reddit info on my page) TYSM! 

Red's POV:

I am at peace. Calmed and only just worried about the love of my life...I take a drink of whiskey and look at a picture of Tom wearing nothing but his underwear. I kiss the picture and put it back in my red hoodie pocket and turn the plane back to manual control. I get a ping from the radio control tower to let me have the priority landing strip. As I land and come to a halt inside my personal hanger and I exit the plane. The top attendees guide and greet me back from my small break. I accept their praises and I dismiss them back to their hard work. I hold a soft smile, letting the stress of this war go away for just the moment and a sense of calm washes over my mind like a cold wave. Strutting through the base I enter the elevator and ride up quietly with my hands shoved into my old red hoodie and gently touch the picture in my pocket. I exit the elevator and quietly walk to my bedroom. Entering my room, I heard two voices coming from my bedroom. Hesitant, I pull out my laser knife and burst into my room. 
          "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" I growl and point the blade at the man with giant eyebrows. I then lower to the weapon as I see his face with concern. 
         "P-paul! I'm so sorry!" I deactivate the tool and drop it to the floor while giving him a hug. Paul reciprocates the affection and then lovingly swats me in the back of the head. 
        "Tord, we need a talk and you need to make sure not to go off the rails again..." Paul explains as I am lifted by Pat into a chair. 
       "Is everything alright?" I sit up and give a look of concern towards them both as Pat brings a printed piece of paper out of his pocket? I tilt my head as he hands it to me and then puts up a bullet shield. 
        "Why are you putting a bullet shield up? I think that's ridiculous-" I stop mid-sentence as I see the picture. The stress and rage come rushing back to me as I see Tom looking inches from death! I crush the piece of paper in my grip as I read the caption.
         "Hyde..." I say through gritted and flared teeth. Paul slowly approaches me and offers me a cigar. I take it and light the smoke. 
         "Here...I didn't want you to see this but Pat convinced me otherwise," Paul quietly says and goes back behind the bullet shield. I bite my lip and rip the paper into bits as I stand up. 
        "Tord, sir, let's not do anything drastic!" Pat lowered the shield and ran after me. 
        "I'm not...Is this image digital?" I grit my teeth as I go into my closet to change. 
        "Yes, it is!" Pat says from behind the door as I zip up my fly on my pants. 
        "Perfect! I think it is time for the Red Leader to have another public appearance on the weekly report!" Paul and Pat put on my sashes as they ask me what I am going to do.
        "What are you going to do?" I let out a long and slow drag to finish the cigar,
        "I will cripple the UK until they give me what I want!" I grin as I radio for my limo to be prepped. 

As I get out of the armoured limo, the doorman immediately looks shocked as I nod to acknowledge it is me. 
        "I need to present a special report today. Please let the set manager know that I am here," I order the doorman who immediately fumbles his radio into his hands and contacts the set manager. I cross my arms and then adjust my sword sheath on my hip as he ushers me in. 
        "Sir, the set manager is ready to get you in makeup and hologram prepping!" He says as I stride into the facility and roll my eye. The set manager comes running and then salutes me in panic.  
         "At ease my friend, I am fine without the makeup and the disguise as I now wear this helmet!" I grin as she nods hastily. 
         "Of course Red Leader, the report has already begun but we can introduce you from the backstage entrance, would that work for you?" 
          "Yes, that's perfect. I also want this broadcast to be the main focus in the UK's media, am I clear on this instruction?" 
          "Yessir, please follow me, sir," She ushers me to the back entrance tunnel and I grip the handle of my sword and wait for the signal to enter onstage. 

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