Chapter 30 - What If I Snapped?

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Tom's POV:

After the broadcast, the two of us return to our room. Tord scoops me up and immediately buries me in affectionate kisses with a loving embrace. Tord takes off his helmet and drops it on the floor with a clatter as we enter the bedroom part. 
         "Do you want me to change your clothing or do you want to do it alone?" Tord asks me as I press my face against the crook of his neck. Oh, how I missed the smell of cigar ashes, cherries and coffee...I am shaking as I meekly reply, 
          "I'm scared to be alone...I am scared to lose you again Tord...Can you stand guard and watch me make sure he doesn't come to kill me? Please?" I request as Tord puts me on the soft bed I missed as well. 
         "Of course!" Tord locks the room door as he turns around to give me privacy. I take off my blood-soaked shirt and begin to scream as nobody looking to see where Hyde is coming from. I can see him in the corner of the room adjacent to Tord. Tord immediately whips around and hugs me tightly. 
          "Shhh...Shhh..." Tord hushes me and I stop screaming and begin to beg him by slamming my face into his chest. 
         "Never look away! Never take a moment to sleep, never blink, never be alone! M-m-must have someone watching me!" I ramble as the apparition of Hyde smiles as he disappears again. 
         "Thomas? Are you ok? Do you want me to watch you undress? Are you comfortable doing this?" Tord says with genuine concern. I tilt my head in confusion.
         "I thought you liked being a perv?" Tord hesitates for a second to formulate his thoughts and then responds, 
          "I love looking at you...It's just I wanted to make sure you were comfortable showing your exposed body to me? I didn't want to trigger a trauma response, but I did by looking away again...For that I am sorry!" I hug him again and let him go to change into a pair of blue silk pyjamas. Tord of course, watched me the entire time and I could tell that he was getting aroused by my body and I knew that would be the barrier that will trigger a response. I lay on the bed and curl into a ball of fear and panic. I watch as Tord removes his overcoat, boots and decorations to lay down with me. 

Tord runs his human hand through my messy and unkempt hair as I rip the temporary visor off as it was digging into the back of my head. I threw it on the floor and clung to Tord like he was the last living thing in this world that even gave two shits about me. 
         "Shhh...Shhh...It's going to be ok, we are going to find that son of a bitch and kill him as many times you want!" Tord kisses me on the cheek as I touch his healing scars. 
        "I-I missed touching your face..." I stammer out through the tears. 
        "I missed being near and feeling yours...Min kjærlighet," Tord replies with a soft voice. 
        "What will you do to Terra, Edd or Matt?" I ask him with a heavy sense of dread. 
        "Oh, those traitors? When we capture them...Their purposes will come to an end as they failed to keep you safe or didn't even try to protect you!" 
        "Specifically?" I insist as my tears continue to stain his clothes and the bedding. 
        "That is none of your concern, my love...They will get what is coming to them!" Tord said with a slight growl, "No-one can lay their fucking filthy hands on you or fail to be there for you and get away with that?!" Tord's voice cracked to that psychotic tone that always tended to give me the most unnerved feeling ever. I whimpered from the tone and I did not want to press any further as I knew that this conversation will end in tears or a fight...

I was shaking in fear, I could hear his voice in my head saying to kill Tord or myself, but I tried to ignore it but I was failing to keep it together. I was clutching Tord's warm body so tight I was afraid I would kill him but I do not care as I am back with the man I love...I just want sleep and a safe place to do it...Kill him! Kill him now! Do it! No! NO! 
         "NO!" I screamed as I broke in my mind. A sound of a tight cable string snapping played through my ears as more black tears ran down my face as blindly I held Tord tighter. 
         "St-stop it T-Thomas! Y-you're s-suffocating m-me..." Tord wheezed out as I let his neck go from the nearly deadly bear hug. 
          "I-I-I-I..." I stutter out but Tord places a finger over my mouth to shush me again. 
          "A doctor has come into our room to give you anxiety medicine...Please trust me," Tord kisses me on the ring and puts my temporary visor on again. 
         "Ye-yes..." I silently not as the blonde medic attendee is holding a hospital anxiety medicine bottle on an aluminum tray. He opens the bottle and holds out three yellow pills and I whimper at the hand near my face. I see that the attendee looks terrified right now...I just look at the pills, the attendee and then Tord.
          "Don't worry, if he fucks up the dosage, I'll blow his brains out for you!" Tord reassures me as I sit up and take the pills. I nod hastily and swallow my fears as I take the medicine. The attendee smiles in a way that reminds me of him as he closes the pill bottle! 
          "NO! TORD WHY DID YOU LET HYDE INSIDE OUR ROOM?!" I scream as I whip the drawer open and take the loaded bullet revolver and shoot the attendee dead. My delusion clears as I see the dead attendee. I roll out of the bed and start crying over killing another innocent Reddie. Unfortunately, I thought that this poor young attendee was Hyde...Fuck! I blindly sob over this man and turn the gun under my chin.
         "I'm not worthy of life anymore..." I say dead inside as I see Hyde standing over me with that same grin he made when he forced himself on me. Tord immediately bolts out of the bed as I pull the trigger...
         "THOMAS NO!" He shouts at me as I am ready for death to embrace me now. 

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