Chapter 10 - Cut The Feed Part II

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A/N - Hello my readers! I have decided to post two chapters in one week to make up for the lost time! 

Red's POV:

I gently brush my hair in annoyance. I hate having my hair flat! This just makes me look like a normal guy with rough hair! As for my annoying 'civilian' clothes, I am wearing your standard black and white suit and tie and it is driving me nuts! I am hiding my lacerations with makeup and holograms. I have removed my robot arm and my eye is still covered by an eyepatch, though. I look over and see a sleeping Tom on my shoulder. I think I did a great job in picking the best outfit for him As for Tom, he is wearing a light blue collared shirt with a red tie and black denim overalls. When I allow him to be free, I'll remove his visor and make him work without vision. I checked the flight duration time remaining and it says forty minutes. I probably should wake him up...I press the release button and Tom jolts back into his human-like behaviour, not a mindless puppet.
            "Augh...My head..." Tom rubs his head from the sudden jolt of his consciousness. Tom's face drops to fear from realizing that he is on a plane and he begins to thrash around in his seat. 

I glance over my shoulder to see that everyone is staring at Tom with confusion. Tom unclasps the belt and shouts at me while pointing in shock,
            "WHY aM In A PLanE?! Why is YOUR HAIR FLATTENED?! Why aRE My lEGS NOt In paiN? WhaT AM I wEaRinG?! WHAt arE YoU WEARing?!" The whole plane just stares at Tom and with a red face, he sits back down in a huff. His arms crossed in frustration. I look at him and hold his hands. 
            "Thomas...We are going to stop the rest of the world from stopping our conquest in ruling this world! I injected you with a special medicine, so you won't feel pain! Also, the reason we look so different is that we are going to act out some roles...Understood?" Tom slowly nods in agreement. 
            "Ok...What are we doing?" Tom inquires while yanking his now red hands lose from my grip. I must have been crushing them with my hands...Whoops! 
            "I will be the Norwegian delegate and you will be my English translator! Do not worry, I temporarily downloaded the Norwegian dialect into your mind. You will be able to say what I say in perfect English! I also downloaded some other important tools that will become relevant later..." I clap my hands in enthusiasm.
           "Fair tactic...What about my visor? Won't people notice the similarities?" Tom points to his visor in curiosity. I pull out my master tablet and load the visor diagnostics program
           "Here". I explain as I type in the release code on my tablet and his visor pops off. I catch it and put it in Tom's lap. 
           "I cannot see dumbass!" Tom growls as he touches his now exposed skin. 
           "That's the gimmick! These soldiers are wearing the old-style Norwegian military uniform. As for me, I can barely speak English while you are completely blind and use this!" I pull out a collapsable white cane from one of my many pockets and place the hard plastic in his semi-outstretched hands. 
          "I also downloaded on how to walk with a white cane in your brain, so you won't crash into tables and other victims- I mean...People! Yes, normal people!... Oh I almost forgot! Your fake name is Thompson Thomas! Heh, I know so original...My fake name is Evan Drekavic..." I explain as Tom purses his lips by the mention of my parents' last name. He sits down and begins to reach for his seatbelt. I hand him the clasp, which is hanging off the side of the chair.
          "Thanks". He softly smiles. 
          "Oh...Where are we going? Also, where are you storing my visor?" Tom asks as he finally manages to re-strap his belt and reclines back.
          "We are heading for Nuuk, Greenland and should be arriving shortly. As for your In our suitcase, with our regular clothes and spare weaponry". I smile as I place my hands in between his now pressed legs. Tom just looks in my general direction and frowns. 

The captain's chime goes off and the overly chipper pilot speaks, 
         "This is your captain speaking! We are due to land in Nuuk in approximately twelve minutes!" The intercom turns off and an overwhelming sigh of relief fills the stuffy plane. 
         "I hate planes...I am glad that we are landing soon..." Tom murmurs, hoping I do not hear his woes. I pretend I do not. I then place my pointer and thumb under his chin and turn his head to 'look at me'.
          "I love seeing your voids...Do not get me wrong, I made the visor and it accentuates your flawless face. But, I prefer your real eyes!" I compliment and Tom's face lightly blushes a soft pink. I stand up and take down our suitcase from the overhead luggage bins and open it. I grab the black visor case and pop it open with a soft click! Tom tilted his head and asks,
          "What are you doing?" 
          "Putting the visor away in its indestructible case!" I grin as I close up the suitcase and put it away.

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