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It was the night before the last battle-War of the Ring. One, of the broken fellowship couldn't sleep.
It was Aragorn. He was turning in his bed from side to side. He sighed and stood up. He went out from his tent. Slowly walking, he came to a little hill and sat down.
Legolas wasn't sleeping either. He was preparing for the battle when he suddenly noticed Aragorn, walking away from his tent. ''What happend, Aragorn? Why can't you sleep? What bothers you?" he thought and went after him. His steps were light almost inaudible.

He slowly approached Aragorn from behind and gently put his hand on ranger's shoulder. Aragorn slightly jerked himself and quickly turned his head to see who it was. "Oh Legolas, it's you!" he laughed.
"My heart almost skiped a beat!"
Legolas chuckled amusedly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he sat down next to him. "Is something bothering you?" he asked and looked at his friend.
Aragorn sighed. Should I tell him? he thought for himself and then spoke. "Um-yes,!"

Legolas chuckled and reasuringly put his hand on Aragorn's shoulder. "It's alright mellon nin. It's just me. You know that you can tell me anything," he gave him a supportive smile.
Ranger took a deep breath, "I can't sleep. I'm afraid that something may go wrong. That I dissapoint them!
Everyone is counting on me! It's...
hard, I can't fail them," he said desperatelly and hid his face in his hands. Legolas felt his fear and smiled at him, "You won't fail them. I know that. I'm not going to let that happen. You have me and others on your side. I will help you in any possible way.
That's what are friend for, right?"
Aragorn lifted his head and looked at him. He is right. I'm not alone...not this time, he thought and turned his head toward the sky full of stars. He closed his eyes for a while and took a deep breath of a fresh night air.

With a smile on his face he spoke, "Thanks Valar I have you Legolas."
Those words made the elf Prince smile even more. All of a sudden, Aragorn turned and gave Legolas a tight hug. It took him by a surprise at first, but then he melted into the hug and embraced him, "Le maethor veleg a gornui, Aragorn. Everything will be alright, I promise."

Once again, a peace was settled in a heart of Isildur's heir. His face glowed with happiness. "I knew you would never let me down mellon nin.
I couldn't wish a better friend."

Rest of the night, two old friends, spend sitting and watching stars together, waiting for the morning to come, heading straight for a better future.


Le maethor veleg a gornui.-You are a mighty and brave warrior.
Mellon nin-my friend.

Omgosh guys!😱I can't believe I really post my first One Shot ever!
I know it's not the best but I think it's not the worst after all. 😅😂
Btw this is my first written "story"😱
I hope you will enjoy it and let me know in the comments what do you think and if I should continue in this book.😁




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