Lost in the woods

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It was a beautiful and sunny day when Legolas and Gimli decided, that they will go for a walk in the forest. As they were walking, Gimli saw a big juicy mushroom. "Hey Legolas! Look!What a big, beautiful mushroom!"
he said excited and ran to it. Just as he was about to pick it..."Come on Gimli!
We must go to the river. I want to show you something." Legolas said and continued in his walk. Gimli groaned annoyed and followed his friend.

After an hour of walking, Legolas ran to the river. He knelt down and looked into the water. He splashed some water onto his face and let out a pleased sigh. "Fresh." River was full of  small and shiny stones. Legolas picked some up and curiously looked at them.
"Look Gimli! Look what I fou-Gimli?" he turned confused, when his friend didn't respond. He stood up and looked around. "Gimli! Gimli where are you?!" he shouted worriedly and looked around.
"Oh no! What if he got lost?!" he said and looked to the direction where they came from.

Legolas ran through the forest, searching for his friend. He climbed on a tree and shouted, "Gimli!! Where are you?!" He jumped from one tree to another. "No, no no! I can't believe I lost him!" he cried.
"Oh Gimli, poor Gimli!" he cried and jumped down from the tree.
"Aragorn! He is my only hope!" he thought and ran to find the ranger.
After an hour of searching he finally found him, sitting under the tree and smoking his pipe.

"Aragorn, Aragorn! Estel! Anno dulu enni!" he shouted while was running to him. Aragorn quickly turned his head to Legolas' direction.
Name 'Estel', given to him by his foster father, Lord Elrond and his mother, was enough to caught his attention.
"What's the matter, mellon nin?" he said confused when he saw that his friend was really restless.
Legolas looked at Aragorn desperatelly. "Gimli is lost!"
"Lost? What do you mean lost?" said Aragorn, still a bit confused.
"We went on a walk to the forest and when we finally came to the river, I noticed that he wasn't with me!" he sobbed.

Dark haired man stood up and reasuringly placed his hand on Legolas' shoulder. "Don't worry, you know him, he is a warior by heart, nothing would happen to him." he said and smiled at him. Blonde elf lowered his gaze to the ground and then, all of a sudden, grasped the ranger by his shoulders and started shaking him. "Aragorn!! In that forest live wild animals which can tore apart that poor little dwarf! He is probably scared to death! He is alone there! Lost and probably hungry!!"
he shouted hysterically.

Aragorn grabbed Legolas' wrists and squeezed them. "Legolas! Lasto! Gimli is here! Here with me, Tiro!" he turned Legolas' head and pointed at Gimli, who was sitting next to a campfire. Greenleaf's eyes widen and ran to Gimli. Dwarf turned his head at him and smiled. "Ey! Sit down next to me! It's enough for ya and for me too!" he said happily and waved a stick with big mushroom on it.
Elven Prince looked at him stunned, "H-how l-long you've b-been here?" "Oh! For quite some time. When I saw the mushroom and ya told me to leave it there, I turned and went back for it." he smiled. "I just, couldn't leave it there, look how tasty it looks!" he said and waved it in front of Legolas' face. Elven prince almost passed out. "YOU DID WHAT?!" he shrieked.

Gimli looked at him and chuckled nervously, "I...heh, turned and...er... took the mushroom?" Legolas took a deep breath. "GIMLI SON OF GLOIN!!
I ALMOST DIED OF FEAR WHEN I COULDN'T FIND YOU! I THOUGHT THAT SOMEONE KIDDNAPED YOU!!OR SOME WILD ANIMAL ATE YOU...!" he was yelling that loud that all the birds, sitting on the trees flew away. Aragorn covered his ears and whined, "Legolas! Shut it! I'm not an elf but my ears are sensitive for this kind of a sound! You shriek like someone who's being eaten alive!" Legolas turned to Aragorn and frowned. "You knew that he was here! Why did you not tell me earlier?!" he said snapily. Aragorn sighed and walked to Legolas.
"I was about to tell you that but you was shouting and waving your hands all over my head." Legolad looked at Gimli and Aragorn angrily. He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed.

Gimli stood up and came to hug him, "Hey Legolas! Don't be angry, it does not suits you!" he said and looked at him with puppy eyes.
Greenleaf looked at his dwarf friend who was hugging him. "Ugh, why are you so adorable! I can't be mad at you!" he chuckled and hugged him back. Aragorn stood there and watched his friends hugging each other. "What a cute couple! So, Prince Legolas, will you take this dwarf as your rightful husband?" he grinned and then laughed out loud. Gimli and Legolas looked at him at the same time and then looked at each other. "Yes and you'll be our baby," grinned Legolas and slowly walked toward Aragorn with reaching arms. Terrified ranger started backing off. "We didn't agree on that!"
"Yes you're right, we didn't, so came here and be a good baby, mommy Legolas will feed you!" he grinned and Gimli laughed. "Yes lad, we have a tasty mushroom. I can chew it for you." he smirked and came closer to him. Horrified Aragorn started running. "NOOOO!" he screamed as his friends were behind him, chasing him till the end of days.


Anno dulu enni!-help me!
Mellon nin-my friend

Hello my dear mellyn!😍👑
I FINALLY updated this book.😂😘This is so far my longest One Shot I wrote.(841 words if someone would wanna know😂😁)👌I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed to write it.😁✨Also as I said in previous part, I'm really Really sorry for my English.😢😟My grammar is horrible😭So if you find any mistakes, feel free to notify me and I will correct it😉😊

This idea for this One Shot came from my little sister KingOfRohan ❤️So thank you so much for supporting me in writing and for this idea😂😊

Love you all!💖

Flame of the West🔥

~°Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit One Shots°~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat