Where is he?

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"Guards! Take him! Take him to the dungeons!" said Elvenking angrily.
A group of Elven guards dragged the poor man away, "I did nothing wrong!" Thranduil turned at him with the gaze that could kill, "Oh really?You call burning my northen part of the forest NOTHING?! You're lucky that my elves were near that place!" he growled angrily.
Man grinned, "What a shame that it didn't burn all." Elvenking looked at him furiously, "EGO!" Guards dragged the man out of their King's sight.
He huffed and walked back on his throne. Thranduil sat down and hissed softly.
"Tell Feren to tell Galion to bring me some wine!" he said and caught himself by forehead, "I need a break." he sighed tiredly.

He waited some minutes and then a servant came to him. He slightly bowed, "My King...we can't find him. Feren is nowhere around."
Thranduil looked at him annoyed, "Find him! He couldn't dissapear.
Or go ask Elros, he should know where he could be." Elf nodded, bowed and walked away. After an hour of waiting, the same elf came back, "My Lord, we can't find Elros either." Elvenking narrowed himself on the throne, "Excuse me? You can't find him? Are you blind or something?
Ugh! Then go after Galion himself.
Tell him to bring me a glass of wine!" he waved his hand and elf walked away.
Guard named Rúfir came to the stock with wine where Galion should be, but he wasn't there this time. Rúfir looked around surprised, " Where is the butler?" he asked the elves that were placing barels at it's place, "We don't know. Go ask Elros or Feren, they should know where he is."

Rúfir scratched the back of his neck, "Problem is...that no one knows where Feren and Elros are."
Then the long debate started and it all ended their Prince Legolas!, who came down searching for Galion, because his father was now angry more than anger itself. Prince slightly knocked at the wall, "I don't want to interupt but your King wants Galion before him, now. And Elros along with Feren."
Rúfir gasped, "Do you think that they will have a problem?"
Legolas slightly nodded, "It's more than sure. My father is not in a good mood." Rúfir scratched his chin:l, "My Prince? Could you help us find them?" Legolas went silent and then spoke, "Alright. We will start in the forest.
I will look for Tauriel, maybe she knows more about them." Elves nodded and all of them went outside. Greenleaf searched the captain for a couple of minutes and then found her at the river. She was kneeling and looking to the water.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she said and turned at him. He smiled and came closer to her:l, "Yes, it is. So crystal clear and shiny...just like your eyes." She blushed and stood up:l, "Can I help you, mellon nin?" Legolas sighed. Again. She call him, a friend.
"We can't find Feren, Elros and Galion either. Don't you know where they could be?" Tauriel scratched her chin, "No, but I saw them walking that way, all three of them."she pointed somewhere between the trees.
Legolas thanked her and walked that way, "Why on Arda they went that way. Maybe to Dale, but why?" he murmured to himself.

After about 6 hours in a horse saddle, he arrived to the city of Dale. He was welcomed by King Bard's people, "Welcome, Prince Legolas! Welcome!What brings you here, if we may ask?" Legolas smiled at the kindness of his people. King Bard was a good man, old friend of his father...and maybe the only one. They became allies from the Battle of the Five Armies. They supported each other. Along with Erebor and Iron Hills under the rule of King Dain.
Legolas cleared his throath and said, "I want to talk to your King. Is he here?" They nodded, "Yes, yes my lord. Come with us." Legolas along with the people of Dale came before their King.

"Bard, my lord, Prince Legolas came."
Bard looked at the elf before him and smiled:,"What brings you here son of Thranduil, friend of mine?" he said kindly. Elven Prince stepped closer,
"I came here to ask you if you didn't notice our elves crossing the field of Dale. Three of them, King's guard Feren, Master of Keys or dungeon guard Elros and butler Galion. I was informed that they went this way." Bowman stared at him, lost in his thoughts. "Hm...I didn't see them personally but is possible that my men might saw them. I will call my guards. Have a seat, I will be back soon." Legolas waited on him and sipped the wine that Bard's servants gave him.
After a couple of minutes Dragonslayer with five guards came back. Elven Prince stood up, "Did any of you see three elves somewhere near this city?" he asked them and hoped than they did.
Guards silently looked at each other. One of them suddenly spoke, "Yes, I think it might been them. I saw them heading to the East from the city. They weren't alone. A big cart they had."
"A cart you say..." said Legolas.

"Yes my lord." Bard looked at him, "Do you know where they could went?" Elf shook his head, "I'm not sure."
"If someone sees them, I will inform you." said Bowman. Legolas nodded and slightly bowed his head.
He and Bard went outside where they said goodbye to one another and went their ways.
Dragonslayer quickly turned after the Prince, "Prince Legolas?"
"Yes?" answered Greenleaf.
"Greet your father from me and give him this, please."

Legolas took the letter from his hands and nodded, "I will." he said kindly.
He was thinking the whole way back to the Thranduil's Halls.
When he came, he heard loud shouting coming from the throne hall. He was sure it comes from there, "Oh no! Adar is mad...that's not good."
he though and rushed there.
He couldn't believe his eyes. In front of his furious father was Feren with Elros and Galion, looking at the ground with slumped shoulders.
Thranduil looked from them at his son and his gaze seems to soften.
"Legolas! Where were you?!" he said severely but Legolas heard a bit of worry in his voice. A smile appeared on his face, "Don't worry Adar, I was with King Bard. He greeted you and told me to gave you this." he said and gave the letter to his father. Thranduil took the letter and looked at it.
"Hannon le, Ion." He opened the letter and the frown seems to dissapear from his face. Actually, he smiled!Almost unnoticetably, but his son's eyes caught the slight smile. Legolas had to smile too. He wondered, what could be in that letter. His father's strict voice ripped him from his thoughts, "So...you are telling me that you went for a wine? Wine we already have?!" he growled.

Feren looked at him and said in defense, "My Lord! Our Prince told me to bring him some wine!" Legolas' jaw almost dropped, "I said I'M FINE! Not I WANT WINE!" he said with raised voice. King turned from his son back at Feren, "And after all, we have wine!" he said less angry. Feren looked at them confused, "But..."
"THAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO TELL YOU THE WHOLE WAY THERE!" whined Galion, "But you didn't listen to me!" Elros smacked himself on the forehead. Feren and Galion started arguing. Legolas groaned and also smacked himself on the forehead.
Master of Keys slightly backed from them. Almost neverending arguing stopped their King. He banged his staff against the ground. Everyone in his presence jumped a bit, "FAR!Everyone go back to work! I don't want to see any of you for the whole year!" shouted Thranduil. Feren gasped in shock and throwed himself on his knees before the King. He grabbed him by his long robe, "My King! Don't do this! It will not happen again! I promise! I have to protect you! That's my duty! What will I do the whole year without being in your presence? What if something happen to you? What will be the meaning of my life then?!" he cried. Elros and Galion changed the "kill me please looks".
Legolas huffed, "Stop bothering my father! Didn't you hear him?! Get lost! Or you will be punished!" Thranduil rolled his eyes. Legolas wrapped his arms around Feren's chest from behind and dragged him out of the there. King's guard pulled himself out of Legolas' grip and started to crawl back to his King but Prince was quicker and grabbed him by his right leg, "Noooo!" yepled Feren as Legolas dragged him to the darkest corners of Thranduil's halls.

"Can I get my wine already?" whined Thranduil desperately and collapsed on his throne.


Ego! - Get lost!
Hannon le. - Thank you.
Ion - son
Far! - Enough!

Finally! I finished it!🤣😂I don't know...I'm not fully satisfied with it😶
Let me know in the comments what do you think and how could I fix it.😁

Love ya dear melyn!💖

Flame of the West🔥

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