He overslept!

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Common day.
Nothing new in Rohan. Except the fact that Háma, doorward of the Meduseld, overslept to his work because he was working the whole night. He didn't know that, because he was comfortly sleeping in his warm bed, but was suddenly woken up by the horn of Rohan. He jumped from his bed. All confused, he looked around, "Dear Eorl! I overslept!" he catched his head between his hands. Háma quickly washed his face, dressed up and rushed to the Meduseld. When he arrived to the Golden Hall, everyone were already there. Third Marshal of Rohan and already a King Éomer, Gamling - Captain of Helm's deep garrison and their old King Theoden Ednew. It's a long story how he came back to life and he wasn't the only one, but that is another story...
They were debating about something but Háma had no idea about what it could be. One thing he knew, it must be something important.
"Was anyone listening to me?! Háma! Of course you were listening! Go and tell him to go to Gondor. Tell him to tell Aragorn everything we were talking about!" Háma looked at him shocked and bowed, "Wait! Take these letters, one for King Elessar, second to Erkenbrand, third for Ceorl, he would know to whom the letters is and last one to Faramir and Éowyn." said Éomer and offered him the papers. Háma took them and rushed out. He ran for a while and then slowed, "Where am I even going?!" he said for himself still confused and looked at the letters Third Marshal, King Éomer gave him, "Where with these?" he scratched the back of his neck. He noticed Ceorl, messenger of Rohan, walking not far from him, "Hey Ceorl!Come here!"
King's messenger looked at him and came, "How can I help you Háma?"
"Take..." he looked at the letters, " This letter to King Elessar, this to Steward of Gondor and this...Éomer said that you will know!" Ceorl nodded and took the letters from him. Háma looked at the last one, "And this to Erkenbrand." he said and went to find him.
He found him after two hours with his men talking and laughing. Erkenbrand, Marshal of the West-mark, noticed Háma and walked to him, "Greetings Háma, what do you have for me? I guess it's anything but good no." he laughed, "Maybe you're right...honestly I have no idea what is happening." Erkenbrand looked at him puzzled, "What?! You don't know what's happening?! King told me that he will send someone to tell me about the situation!" he smacked himself in the forehead. Háma ran his hand through his hair, "Well...I overslept to work."

"You what?!" Erkenbrand almost squeaked, "Hey! Calm down! Marshal Éomer told me to give you this letter." Erkenbrand took it from him and opened it. Háma looked at him curiously, "What's the matter?" said as Erkenbrand raised his eyebrow and looked at the piece of paper confused, "That's impossible! This is not for me!" he gave him the letter back, "Read!" Háma slowly took it and readed out loud,

Congratulation dear brother-in-law!
I didn't expected to have a nephew so soon! You really don't waste your time! Now you have to protect my sister from every single speck of dust! I will come to visit you as soon as I could, but we have some problems here. Uncle send a message to Aragorn. Hope Gondor will come to help.Don't tell Eowyn about it.It will not be good for her now.And tell her that I love her.
Take care of yourself and her along with my nephew.


Háma went pale, "If this letter was meant for Steward of Gondor...then one of them is meant for you!" Erkenbrand crossed his arms over his chest, "Great! Now what?"
Háma looked at him, "Where is Ceorl?! We have to stop him!" he looked around and along with Erkenbrand ran to the gates of Edoras. Guards that were guarding there were closing the wooden gates. Doorward of the Meduseld with Erkenbrand came to them.
"If you are looking for Ceorl, he is already gone. He went to Minas Tirith with message for King."
"Are you kidding me?!" said Háma breathless.
"Erkenbrand?! For Eru's sake what are you still doing here?!" Everyone turned to see who said that. Not so happy Éomer stood there with surprised look on his face, "Háma! You were supposed to gave him that letter! To whom did you gave them?" Háma looked at the ground beneath him, "Ceorl took them and is already gone." Éomer gasped, "Did you at least told him which one is for who?" Erkenbrand sighed and looked at him, "I guess he did, but he overslept for work so he probably mixed it."
"Oh no! That means that princess Lothíriel probably won't get the right one!" murmured Éomer and started to walk in circles.
"What is happening here?!" an angry voice called at them.

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