Not A Good Day

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It all started in the morning when Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth lazily lied in a bed. Suddenly someone knocked at his door. "Enter!" he said and sat up."My lord!"said the guard, who came into his room.
"King Elessar will come in two days!" Prince looked at him surprised.
"Oh! We have to prepare everything!Tell my sons to help."
Man nodded and left the room.
Imrahil stood up, dressed himself and walked out. He came to the meeting room and saw Lady Nimmeril, his wife. He came to her and noticed that she had a feather in her hand and papers on the table.
"What are you doing, my dear?" he asked sweetly and kissed her head. She smiled, looked up at him and gave him a kiss. "Answering our people to their requests. Nothing you have to worry about." Imrahil smiled. "Thank you."

His eldest son, Elphir, came to the room and groaned. His parents looked at him. "Good morning Elphir. What was that? Did something happend?" asked his mother. Young Prince smiled at them. "Good morning mother, good morning father,'s just my son, Alphros, did you see him?I can't find him anywhere!" he asked desperatelly. Imrahil shook his head. "No, but our servant said that he saw him in the garden with your wife." Elphir sighed in relief and wiped his forehead. "Thanks Valar. I don't know what got into him. From the morning he's almost unstoppable!"
Prince Imrahil scratched his chin.
"I hope he will behave. Our King is going to visit us. I want you to help the others with the preparations and call your brothers. They can help too."
Elphir nodded and walked away.

Youngest of the sons, Amrothos, was playing chess with his sister Lothíriel, youngest of the four children.
"Check mate!" she grinned and raised her arms above her head. Amrothos groaned. "Ugh! Again? How is that possible?!" Lothíriel chuckled. "Beacuse I am better than you?" He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Nice play, little sister." Lothíriel and Amrothos turned their heads. It was Elphir. Youngest son stood up, came to him and whispered. "I let her win."
Elphir laughed and patted his shoulder. "Oh I am sure that you did." Princess puts her hands on her hips. "Hey! I'm still here!"
"We know!" they both said at the same time and laughed. She rolled her eyes. "By the way, why did you come?Do you need something?"
Elphir smacked himself on the forehead. "I almost forgot! Thank you sister!" he looked at Amrothos.
"King will come here in two days.
We have to prepare everything." Amrothos nodded but then furrowed his brows. "What about Erchirion?
He can help too."
Elphir nodded in agreement
"Yes, but I have no idea where he could be." he said and scratched his chin. Lothíriel coughed softly.
"Ehm...I maybe know where he could be." Brothers looked at her. "Where?" said Amrothos. "Outside, bothering our poor maids." she said and rolled her eyes. Elphir laughed amusedly. "Then I guess we have save those poor ladies!" Amrothos said maliciously.
"It would be my pleasure!" Lothíriel sighed and chuckled, "Brothers."
Three siblings went outside, looking for the last one. Amrothos noticed him first. His sister was right. Around him were laughing women. He was laughing with them and whispering each of them something, which made them laugh even more.
Lothíriel rolled her eyes.
"Ey! Brother!"
Erchirion looked their way and waved at them. "Hey sister! Wanna join us?" he grinned and wrapped his arms around shoulders of two maids. Erchirion along with women continued laughing. Elphir groaned and came to him. He grabbed his brother by the shoulder and dragged him to their younger siblings. Erchirion yelped. "Ow! What are you doing?! Don't you see I was having fun?"

"One Alphros is enough." grinned Amrothos. Erchirion rolled his eyes. "As if I was interested in making children." Elphir laughed and shook his head. "I guess you are, but I came because we need help with preparing for the visit of our King."

Erchirion looked at him surprised. "What? King is coming? When? Am I the last one to know it?"
Prince Elphir nodded and put his hands on his hips. "Yes. In two days. Yes, from us siblings, yes, you're the last."
"So let's get to work!"said Amrothos, pretty excited.
After the tiring day of preparations, Elphir and Erchirion with Amrothos and Lothíriel went to their rooms and throwed themselves on the beds.

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