Failed Joke

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Early in the morning when everybody sleep,Kili came to his brother's room. "Hey Fili!Wake up!" he softly shook with him. Fili rubbed his sleepy eyes and blinked a few times before answering. "Hey! What's up?" he yawned tiredly. Younger dwarf leaned to him and whispered something,
"No way!" said Fili shocked. Kili jumped on the spot. "Oh come on brother! It'll be great!" he begged. "After all, he will never find out it was us!" Older dwarf shook his head, not so sure about what his brother wanted from him. "I don't know Kili...we can get in a big trouble." he said precariously.
After a long persuasion, Fili gave up and helped Kili with his plan.
"I don't have a good feeling about this. If he find out it was us...we're dead." Kili waved his hand at him. "Calm down, Fili, he will have no idea." he chuckled spitefully and waited.
Thorin was complacently sitting on his throne and reading some letter from other kingdoms. After some hours, Balin rushed to him. "Thorin!My king Thorin!" he shouted. King under the Mountain jumped surprised from his throne and all his letters flew down to the lower parts of his kingdom. He frowned at his friend, "Balin!" he said severely.
Balin gave him a sorry look and said. "I bring you a letter." he extended his hand with the white paper.
Thorin took it. "From who?" he asked with raised eyebrow and examined the letter. White bearded dwarf sighed. "It's from the Elvenking."
Durin's heir almost choked on those words. "What?! What that...?!???" he murmured something, "Want?!"
"I don't know, I didn't read it." answered Balin shrugging his shoulders.
Thorin took a deep breath and opened the letter. His eyes opened widely. He shrugged that piece of paper and throwed it away. Balin looked at his friend and asked curiously.
"What?What was written there?"
Oakenshield huffed and turned to Balin." He said that he will come.
They will be here in a hour." he growled. Balin gasped surprised.
"Why? What happend?" Thorin threw his hands into the air. "I don't know!But it's something urgend he said!What is so urgent that he have to came here to me?!"
"Calm down Thorin, maybe it's some kind of mistake and the letter wasn't meant for you." Balin replied, trying to calm down the angry King.
Thorin looked at him and raised one brow. "Mistake? I tell you what is mistake! His life is mistake! Of course that letter was for me! It was written there and that kind of mistake can't happen to a flawless and wise king as is our beloved Elvenking!" he growled ironicaly and sat back on the throne. Balin shook his head and sighed.
"So we will wait on him. There's nothing else we can do right now."

After and hour, a horn of the Woodland Realm, carried by king's guard Feren, was heard outside the Erebor. Dwarves let the king and his elves come in. Thranduil, along with Feren and few of his best guards came before the King under the Mountain.
Elvenking bowed to him as a king to king and said. "I'm surprised that you let me enter your kingdom, but that's not the reason I came here." Thorin frowned. "What brings you here, Thranduil, king of the Woodland Realm? I highly doubt that you came here seeking help." he said and settled more comfortable. "You're right! If I was seeking help, I would have gone elsewhere." said king and gifted the dwarf before him with a provocative smirk. Thorin angrily stood up from the throne. "So what do you want?!"
Thranduil frowned a bit and slightly nodded his head down. Feren came to Thorin, inconspicuously frowned at him and gave him the letter. Dwarf king took it and looked at it confused. "What is this?"
Thranduil crossed his arms. "I thought you would know."

Fili and Kili were hiding not far from that place, just enough to see and hear everything that was happening there. Kili was chuckling while Fili was really nervous. "Kili? Are you sure that he will not find out? Uncle might have a big problem from it."
Kili rolled his eyes. "Come on Fili!Enjoy it! Look at them! Their looks are priceless!" he laughed quietly. Fili precariously looked at his uncle and the elf standing in front of him.
Feren came to Thorin. "May I?"
Thorin slightly nodded and gave the letter to the elven guard, who brought it to his king. "I will read what is written here if I may."said Elvenking and started reading:

"Dear Thranduil,
how do I even start? I adored you from very start. You are the most georgeous living thing in the whole Middle Earth. Your eyes are like the coldest glaciers, deepest lakes sprigged with moonlight. When you smile my heart sings with happiness, even that it's rare. When you fight I can't take my eyes of you. It's like a song of a clashing metal and screaming enemies. On a battle field you look like you are dancing with the wild wind which is playing with your hair. If O could touch it, I believe that they are softer than any feather I've ever touched. Oh, if I could tell you with words how beautiful you are."

With love, your Kili🖤

Hearing the name 'Kili' almost made Thorin passed out. Thranduil closed the letter and looked at him.
"Well...I must admit that that 'Kili' is pretty good at expressing love." Feren's jaw almost dropped down from what he heard.
Fili gasped. "What?!"
Kili went pale. "By Durin's beard!
I signed myself instead of Thorin!"
"I want to see the dwarf who wrote it!" Elvenking said, suddenly sternly. Thorin Oakenshield turned his head to the direction, where were the two brothers hiding.




Flame of the West🔥

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