Last Day In Rivendell

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It was the day when the fellowship must went on a long and dangerous journey to Mordor, to destroy One Ring along with Dark Lord Sauron once, and for all.
Frodo was with Gandalf, talking about the way there, because Frodo had no idea where Mordor is. Gandalf looked at him, "Dear Frodo, do you know where is Mordor?"
"No." Frodo replied, scratching his head. "Mordor is next to Gondor." Gandalf said, hoping that this will help. Frodo scratched his chin, "And where is Gondor?"
"Gondor is next to Rohan, my little friend." he replied.
Frodo made a 'hmm' sound, "And where is Rohan?" Gandalf looked at him surprised. How came he doesn't know where it is? He knew that at his home, in the Shire, they surely had a map. Bilbo surely had one. "Rohan, dear Frodo, is down on the south, northen from it is Fangorn forest and even northen is Lothlórien."
Frodo looked at Gandalf,"Where is Lothlorien?" Grey wizard smacked himself on the forehead, " It's some miles to the south from here." "Oh...and where are we?" said Frodo confused. Gandalf almost passed out. "FOR ERU'S SAKE! WE ARE IN RIVENDELL, AT THE PLACE WHERE LIVE POINTY EARED CREATURES CALLED ELVES, DO YOU KNOW WHERE ARE WE NOW?!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
Everyone who was there turned at him. Elrond turned his gaze from Lindir to Gandalf and stood up from his seat, "My old need to calm down and watch your language please, some elves might get offended by it!" he said severely and sat down.
Grey wizard sighed, "I'm sorry, Lord Elrond." then he looked at Frodo, "Now you know? "he said desperatelly yet calmly. Confused Hobbit said, "Yeah...I think."


Merry, Sam and Pippin were waiting for Frodo. Sam was walking in circles nervously, "Where is Master Frodo?" he said worried. "Last time I saw him, he was talking with Gandalf." said Merry and looked at Pippin, "Hey Pip!Wanna grab something to eat?"
"I was waiting for those words!" he said happily and went with Merry after Master Elrond. He was sitting with Lindir at the table and looked bit annoyed. Pippin came to him and along with Merry, politely bowed, "My Lord?" Elrond looked at Pippin and slightly smiled, "What do you need, little one?" he said kindly. "I and my cousin are hungry, may we please get something to eat?" said Merry politely.
"But of course, Lindir?" spoke the elven lord.
"Yes my Lord?"dark haired elf asked. "Bring some food to these Hobbits and something to drink too."
Lindir slightly bowed and walked away.
"Can we wait at the fountain? It's really beautiful!" asked Pippin and smiled. Elrond slightly nodded, "Yes, you can, but behave there, my elves don't like mess." he stood up and walked away.
Merry and a Pippin came to the fountain and sat on the edge of it. "Beautiful!" Merry sighed and looked into the water. Younger Hobbit take the oportunity to ruin his cousin's good mood and splashed some water in his face, "Hey!" Merry huffed annoyed and wiped his face, "You're going to pay for that!" he pushed Pippin into the water. Pip fell to the fountain with loud scream, "IT'S COOLD!" he shrieked.
Merry, laughing out loud, almost fell to the water too, "If you could see your face! You look hilarious!" he laughed.

"Your meal halfli...!" Lindir who was walking to them with the meal they wanted, couldn't finish his sentence because he was splashed with water which was meat to be for Merry but he quickly dodged it and it all ended on Lindir's clothes. Pippin gasped and Merry fell on the ground in even louder laughter. "Hey! That wasn't funny." frowned Elrond's minstrel.
He wanted to came closer to them, but slipped on a wet floor and fell on the ground with painful groan and all food all over him.
"Lindir!" shouted Erestor,advisor if Lord Elrond and chief of his household. He rushed to Lindir and offered him his hand, "Here, take my hand." Lindir caught Erestor by hand and tried to stood up. The floor was too wet and the advisor slipped on it too. "Ow!" yelped the two wet elves lying on each other. Glorfindel, who was walking and quietly singing, saw Lindir and Erestor painfully whining on the ground. Gold haired elf came to them, "Oh dear! What happend?" he asked, trying his best to not laugh.
Erestor groaned,clearly annoyed, "Very funny, Lord Glorfindel! Stop grining like a rinc and help us!" Advisor reached his hand to the Elven prince. Glorfindel's smile grew. He took his hand and pulled him up. Both of them then helped Lindir to stood up, "So...what happend? Why is the water on the floor?" Lindir cleaned his clothes from food and frowned
"Those little!" he turned his gaze to Merry and Pippin who were quietly chuckling. Sam ran to them and grabbed them by their ears,
"That's impossible! One can not leave you even for a while without thinking what are you ruining this time!" he said shocked and annoyed. Merry and Pippin whined in pain, "Hey! It wasn't my fault!" whined the younger one. "Let me go! Who do you think you are!" yelped Merry and tried to free himself.

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