C H A P T E R 5

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I heard the rumble of thunder, then the sound of energy pulsating, followed by a grunt of pain. I squinted, opening my eyes. The Winter Soldier, HYDRA's greatest assassin, lay in a dumpster in a tangled heap, groaning. I blinked, and then he was gone.

I turned my attention to Lightning Dude and Gold-Titanium Alloy, both looking at me worriedly. The suit was smoking slightly and the hammer was crackling with lightning. Probably a boost of electricity to get full power blasters, but whatever. Now that the immediate threat was gone, my mind could relax. Unfortunately, that reminded my mind that I had a bullet stuck in my leg.

I resumed my episode of pain. My nerves were on fire, screaming in protest. I suddenly felt very weak, my head pounding from blood loss. My mangled lip and obviously broken nose were caked with dried blood, the red sludge flowing down the side of my neck from where I'd fallen. Using the limited powers I had at the moment, I carefully extracted the bullet, hissing in pain.

The rest of the team, Cat Woman, Arrow Guy and Patriotic Suit, had gathered around me, watching me curiously. I ignored them as best I could, trying not to seem too weak. With one last tug, I got the bullet out. Spots dancing before my eyes, I cried out in pain.

Arrow Guy made to help me, but Gold-Titanium Alloy stopped him with a look. Good. I didn't need help or pity. Cat Woman ignored the tin can, rushing to my side.

"Here," she muttered, taking out a roll of bandages. Carefully, she started to tourniquet my leg. I held my breath as her fingers delicately worked around the wound, sure there would be severe consequences. After all, these people could work for HYDRA. A couple double agent master assassins? I knew those people when I saw them. I watched Cat Woman and Arrow Dude like a hawk.

Once she was done, Cat Woman offered me her hand. I took it tentatively and she helped me to my feet. I could already feel my leg trying to mend itself, thanks to my accelerated healing rate. I let out a slight sigh of relief; I could somehow just tell I'd be able to run again in a few more seconds.

"Thanks," I mumbled, wary of the newcomers.

"You okay, kid?" Patriotic Suit asked. I nodded, putting more weight on my leg. I'd give it a few more seconds, maybe see who these guys were, then make a break for it.

"Do you need a ride home?" The tin man asked,

Alarmed, I stepped back, breaking out of the circle. I was right. These people were taking me back to HYDRA. No. I couldn't go back. I wouldn't go back. They wouldn't take me. No alive, at least.

"No," My voice shook, trembling on the verge of tears. "No, no, no. You can't take me!" I was running now, sprinting in the opposite direction. There were whispered and gasps behind me. My sharp hearing picked up murmurs about my leg.

I heard something else; The pounding of footsteps racing after me, closing in. The American guy, the archer, and the woman.

Great, I thought. Just what I need. Please note the sarcasm.

I heard Arrow Guy drawing back his bowstring. I scoffed. He thinks an arrow will stop me? Not to sound cocky or anything but I seriously doubt a pointy rock on a stick would hurt me enough to make me stop.

But what if it's not a pointy rock on a stick? My conscious chided. The arrow landed a few feet in front of me, to my left. I smirked; Miss. I didn't give any thought to it until I spotted the small explosive attached to the arrow's shaft. My eyes widened, and I had just enough time to jump to the side. The arrow let out a high pitched beeping sound before it exploded. I screamed, covering my head. Debris flew everywhere, covering my hair with soot. I scrunched my eyes shut, sure I had lost hearing in my left ear.

The clattering of rocks stopped, and I lifted my head. Someone was there, standing in front of me. It was Arrow Guy.

"Sorry, kid." He said sheepishly, sounding deeply sincere. I looked up at him, wondering, How could an agent sound so nice? I chided myself; He was fooling me. Never trust an agent. I back away, trying to fuse with the chunks of rock surrounding me. Arrow Guy looked at me, an unusual expression etched on his face. Was that... worry? Sympathy? Man, he was a good actor. Cat Woman and Patriotic Suit joined his side, soon followed by Lightning Dude and Gold-Titanium Alloy.

"Is she okay?" Tin Can asked, his faceplate flipping up. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"No, Tony," Cat Woman said, her words coated in sarcasm. "Her bullet wound isn't bothering her at all. The explosive did no damage whatsoever. And no way are we scaring the hell out of her, not in the slightest."

I stared at Cat Woman as she knelt beside me.

"Let's try this again," she said kindly. I flinched from her touch. "My name is Natasha. Natasha Romanoff."

"Who are you people?" My voice was raspy, quiet. "You're from HYDRA, aren't you? You're here to take me back." Tears welled up, blurring my vision. I gave myself an internal beating. Words from the scientists flew around my head: Weak. Childish. Worthless. Nothing. A weapon. A project. Destruction.

The team all shared uncomfortable looks, everyone glancing at Spangles. There was a faraway look in his eyes, a sadness, almost as if he had also lost someone to HYDRA.

"We're just here to help," he said, not unkindly. I stared at him, my face void of trust.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I hiccuped.

"Kid," It was the tin man who'd spoken this time. I lifted my tear-stained to look at him. "We're the Avengers."

The Sapphire Spirit | Book One~Captain America: Civil WarWhere stories live. Discover now