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( @WriteMyHeartOut75 is the absolute angel who made this beautiful aesthetic for me. Thank you so much  )

It was a risky move transferring two months into University, but it had to be done. Or so that's what Maxie told himself. Over and over again. Rash decisions never seemed to pan out but this one was for the best. He'd spent all his time making decisions based on people who didn't consider him in theirs and a risk taken for himself sounded better than a life planned for somebody else.

Wickham University. He'd made his firm choice his insurance in the months leading to University and he'd made a decision based on some dumb boy.

He'd worked twice as hard to get into a school his heart wasn't in. He'd spent all his time studying and whatever spare time he had with his boyfriend. He'd had no time for friends. Maybe he preferred it that way. He didn't want to miss anyone. He wanted to be out of that place and onto better things. He just thought he'd have someone by his side on the way.

The cab stopped outside of the street where his new house resided.

His cousin, Chloe, lived there with her friends. It was too late to book in the dorms and his safest choice was to take up the spare room in her house. He wasn't all that close with her but she'd offered a helping hand and it was cheaper for her and her friends that way, anyway.

He'd collected his suitcase and climbed up the couple of steps leading up to the door. He knocked.

No answer.

So far so good, he thought to himself. Been here two seconds and I'm locked out of my house.

He searched for a key and found one lazily hidden under an out of place plant pot at the side of the door and let himself in. He decided to ignore the creeping anxiety that came with the idea that someone could easily let themselves into his new house.

"Hello?" He called out. No response again. Was anyone in? He swore he heard movement around the place. He dragged his suitcase in and entered what appeared to be a living area.

Oh my fucking god.

The place was trashed. Empty bottles were on every single surface, paper bags of fast food scrunched up and tossed about the place, makeup pallettes and brushes, socks and... yeah, that was a bra hanging off the couch. Among the rubbish that decorated what could have been a humble and cozy house were people he wasn't sure lived here. A couple spooned on the couch, a guy on the other, a girl on the floor. None of them his cousin.

He entered the kitchen and finally found someone awake. Not his cousin.

The girl was picking up random shit, trying to sort through all the crap that messed up the kitchen. She had smooth brown skin, hair and makeup that would have been glorious the night before and the best eyebrows Maxie had ever witnessed in his entire life. Underneath her fluffy nightgown was presumably last night's outfit.

She froze when she saw him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Right back at you," he replied, although his tone was less convincing and a lot more awkward.

"I live here, you?"

"I live here too now."

"You do?"

"I do..."

"Oh shit," she exclaimed. Her chocolaty brown eyes widened and she beamed all of a sudden with awareness. "Fuck, she didn't tell me you were coming today. This place is a fucking mess." She hurriedly began sorting.

"Where is Chloe?" Maxie thought this was that made the most sense to ask. Fuck knows what else he was supposed to say. This wasn't exactly the most comfortable situation.

"God knows," the girl said, carrying a pile of empty pizza boxes over to the bin by the counter. "Listen this place doesn't normally look so shitty just give me ten minutes. Is the landlord coming?"

"No. I don't think so, anyway. I'm a day early, anyway. My last place sort of wouldn't let me stay over an extra night because they already had someone else they wanted to move in."

"Phew because if he sees this place, we're getting kicked out."

"You don't have to do anything for me, just... can you tell me which room I'm supposed to be staying in?"

"Number four, its upstairs."

"Thank you..."

"Daisy." She reached over the breakfast counter and offered him a hand. He took it and shook, replying, "nice to meet you. I'm Maxie."

"You too. Good luck with all of this."


And with that he turned to find his room. Luckily the doors were numbered and he wouldn't have to just assume which one was room four. Getting his suitcase up the stares was a pain, knocking over bottles and sending one rolling down the stairs, as well as someone's shoe. He'd clean that up later.

He caught a glimpse of the bathroom. He wanted to take a peak but he saw someone's legs sprawled out on the floor and thought best not for now.

About that rash decision, he was beginning to regret that right about now.

Fuck doing things for himself. He couldn't make a good decision if his life depended on it.

He found his room. He tried the door and luckily it was open. He didn't suppose anyone knew where his key was and he was too awkward to go back downstairs again.

He was expecting this would be the one place in the house that wasn't absolutely trashed, that it would be a haven in this chaotic entrapment.

No. That was not the case.

Wishful thinking.

Even the bare expectation that it might be empty of people was too much to meet. Bare expectation. Those were definitely butt cheeks.

"Oh, fuck - that's a... okay," he said, turning to head back out.

The naked boy sprawled across his bed stirred awake at the sound of his voice. He'd been lying on his front and turned at he woke.

"Who are you?" A slurred voice questioned. Maxie wasn't sure if the boy was just severely drunk or if that was a foreign accent he caught onto.

"This is my room... I think."

"Oh..." It took some time before realization jolted the boy awake. He quickly got up off the bed and when stood up in front of Maxie. An lazy, embarrassed but charming smile adorned his face. Blonde hair, longish and swept back over his head, shorter at the sides but a little messy here and there. Blue eyes, pale a gorgeous. A light tan. The faintest trace of stubble along his jaw. Maxie's eyes began to focus the more he stared in awe of the boy and lower they trailed, down the features of the other's bare body, lean and toned. Everything was on display, even glimpses of parts of him he didn't dare think he'd ever see anytime soon, covered in a weak attempt by the grip of his hand.

"I um... honestly I can't give you an exact answer as to how I ended up here but... I didn't realize anyone lived in this room."

"They didn't until today."

"Oh, uh... you must be..."


"Yes, yes, sorry..." Definitely a foreign accent. It was incredibly endearing, attractive even. If this wasn't the most awkward situation he'd ever been in and he wasn't frozen in the spot, he'd be weak in the knees.

The boy's free hand was offered to him and reluctantly he took it, shaking it likely. "I'm Oscar."

"Nice to... meet you... kind of. Should I go?"

"Give me two seconds to find my clothes..."

"Yes, yes, of course, sorry..."

He turned to go back out and the other boy turned to find his clothes. Maxie couldn't help but take a single peak again at the boy in all his naked glory but took his eyes away almost instantly out of guilt. This was embarrassing, not hot. Don't mix the two up in your head, dumb ass.

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