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Maxie and Oscar made their way home. They didn't say much to each other, but they stayed close to each other.

They reached Maxie's door and he reached for his keys. As he unlocked the door, he paused for thought. He turned. Oscar was close. Barely much distance between them, at all.

"I have something to tell you," Maxie admitted.

Oscar nodded his head, encouraging him to go on.

"Emmett heard us that night. Talking. He heard about everything you said to me and what I said. He thought I was trying to break you and Olivia up. I don't know if this is important or not but I don't know. I mean, what if he tells her?"

"If she comes to me about it then I'll tell her the truth, and if she doesn't like the truth then she's not worth the time and care, is she?" Oscar told him, his voice warm and gentle. It had fallen dark and only the moon and hints of the street lamp's down the road's glow. "Isn't that what you told me. Right here?"

"You don't have to live with her," Maxie added, although the words spoken to him soothed him slightly.

"Well I'm here for you, anyway," Oscar said.

Maxie looked down and sighed. A smile was trying to make its way onto his expression, one he was trying to keep to himself.

"You know that we barely know each other, you don't have to act like we're ride or die buddies or anything."

This didn't take away Oscar's own smile, only earning a shake of his head. "I'm only acting like I would for any of my friends. Wouldn't you?"

"You have a point," Maxie commended with a small roll of his eyes, taking note as Oscar took another step forward. He felt the door against his back.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He slid his hand into his pocket and turned his head to look at the screen. A response from Dean. He clicked his phone back into rest and slid it back into his pocket. He couldn't do that. Not now.  He was already shaken as he was.
He felt warmth upon his neck. The gentle touch of hands. He looked back up again. Their eyes were so close.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know," Oscar whispered, grinning dreamily. "Just being a supportive friend."

"Right," Maxie replied with a nod, amusement beaming in his eyes as he tried not to laugh. "Just acting as you would with any of your friends."

"Are you flirting with me, Maxie?"

Maxie was caught off guard and this call to reality tightened his body, no longer loose and relaxed and merely going with what was natural for his body but the far too self conscious boy he'd lost in the midst of being with him.

"No," he lied.

"Shame," Oscar replied.

Maxie's knees could have buckled. He only allowed himself to press his back against the door and lean, letting the other closer.

"Unlock the door, Maxie," Oscar told him.

Maxie. The softness in the way he pronounced his name. Fuck.

Oh right. The door.

He turned and opened the door before holding it open for Oscar. He waited for him to come in before he turned and locked the door again. When he turned, Oscar took no time in waiting to close the gap between them and this time their torsos met, causing a kind of friction he'd been going without for so long. Their hips met too, their legs tangled. Oscar's hands were on him, guiding his head into the kiss. His lips were soft and full and delicious. He melted into it, long and slow and hot. He heard the other moan against his mouth as it developed, seducing his tongue for more.

Maxie placed a hand upon Oscar's front, pushing him away slightly so that he could take a moment to breathe and think. That and the attention was stirring thoughts in his head and his body was reacting naturally.

"What the fuck was that?" Maxie asked him.

Oscar took a step back and put his hands up. "I'm sorry if I read the signals wrong. It was only supposed to be a bit of fun."

Maxie's brow arched. "That's your idea of a bit of fun?"

Oscar shrugged his shoulder. "It was only a kiss. Haven't you kissed some of your friends before?" The boy smiled shamelessly.

"No," he immediately reacted.

"I'm sorry," Oscar said more sincerely, catching his breath. "You just looked very nice tonight and I thought you could use a kiss."

That was... ridiculous. And true. Not the looking nice part but boy did that satisfy a need in him that he'd been deprived on fulfillment for.

"That's okay," Maxie finally replied, truthfully.

Oscar came closer again, but more weary of his boundaries. "I'm sorry if that wasn't the right thing to do and I promise never to do that again if you don't want me to. But regardless, fuck that boy on your phone. I don't like the look you get when you're reminded of him and I want to help you forget him."

"And I'm guessing you want someone to rebound from Olivia?"

Oscar closed his eyes and sighed. "No. I mean - that's not what this was..."

"And you know I can't kiss my own roommates... I don't even know what to call you guys. Its messy and I don't want to get involved in that."

"I wasn't trying to fuck things up for you. Sorry. It was selfish of me to do that."

Maxie sighed. "It wasn't terrible, though."

Oscar looked up again. "No?"

"Did you need that too?" Maxie asked him.

Oscar nodded.

"Are you hurting?"

Oscar shook his head and leaned in again. "That's the thing, I'm not. I like being around you. It makes me feel good. I want to make you feel good too."

"You do," Maxie said, his voice low and quiet.

Their mouths found each other again and all rational thoughts went out the window, just magnetic, thought consuming longing. The kiss grew hungrily and their bodies melded together once more. Their hips pushed against each other and Maxie broke the kiss when he felt Oscar's own bodily reaction, hard and restrained. Fuck.

( To make up for the wait... There's a little tease... Hope you enjoyed that, let me know what you think - and I can't wait to start reading your books too! Feel free to message me to let me know if there's something you want me to have a look at and support! )

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