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Maxie went after him but a hand took his arm.

"Wait," the man who had kissed him said. He'd momentarily forgotten about his existence but this had caught him by surprise. He couldn't just kiss someone then leave without an explanation. That wasn't like him.

"I'm sorry," he started to explain. "That was my friend."

The man gave him a questionable look. "You're friends with that boy?"

"Yeah- look, I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Hold up," the man persisted, coming forward. "Before you go, can I have your number? Maybe we can meet later on?"

Maxie looked over his shoulder. Oscar and the security guard were already back inside and it would be hard to find them again. He nodded to the man and quickly typed in his number into the phone that was handed to him. He didn't even bother to check if he'd entered it in correctly.

"I'm Adrian," the man said.

"Maxie," he said. He didn't continue the conversation anymore, his mind completely elsewhere. He just muttered the word bye and headed back in.

Emmett was on the stairs going downstairs with a group of girls. No Olivia in sight, though.

Perhaps he only did his dirty work when the others weren't around.

"Hey," he said, coming up to Emmett. "What was all that about?"

Emmett's smirked with all his snark and exchanged a look with his friends. "I don't know, ask them," he said, walking down the stairs as he spoke and abandoning Maxie to go off somewhere.

He was so noncholant and also dismissive. Maxie didn't have enough effort to chase him up about it so he kept going. He headed back into the club and went searching for Oscar. He saw the same security guard who had taken him by the entrance so he assumed that Oscar had been kicked out.

"Maxie! Where are you going?"

He quickly turned. He could only just about hear her voice over the music. Gwen was by the stairs to the smoking area waving her hands. He gestured that he would be one minute and she nodded in return. She was a good friend. Hopefully he wasn't too much to put up with. The feelings that he was once again just dismissing her efforts to be there for him nagged at him but right now he had a lot to juggle with and that wasn't the priority.

He forced his way through the crowd and out of the door.

Splashes of blood were here and there on the pavement outside the club. He caught sight of a figure down at the end of the street, between the many people lingering there and making their way home. This area of town was brightly lit enough to give him a better view. The concrete beneath his feet started to glisten against the light of neon signs and bright takeaway shops and as he ran to meet the other, he started to feel cold droplets on the back of his neck. It was starting to rain.

"Oscar! Wait!"

The boy had stopped at the end of the street. People parted ways as he ran, presumably to get out of the rain and make their way home. Oscar had remained there. He was looking up at the sky by the time he caught up to him.

"What just happened?"

Oscar shook his head. He was holding his nose with one hand and he then held his other hand out to offer it to Maxie. "Come on."

He was flustered and panicked and his mind was buzzing so severely that he didn't think, he just took it and followed.

They made their way down the street till they found an empty telephone box and made their way inside. Only did he breath once he was away from the rain that had started to pour more heavily as they'd started moving.

Oscar (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now