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Maxie didn't wake up with a naked guy in his best this time. He didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. No, definitely a good thing.

He felt plagued with fatigue and he'd never felt more gross before.

Without moving anything but his arm, he fumbled for his phone on the bedside table. In this stupid attempt, it fell on the floor. He winced and groaned as he forced himself to sit up. He rubbed his eyes before putting all his effort into one simple task that felt much harder than it had to be.

It was past twelve o'clock but luckily he didn't have much stuff to do today.

More notifications than he'd had in the past year. Mostly follow and friend requests, although there was a text. Unknown numbers. He assumed they were from his new house mates. Wasn't he with them around the time this was sent, though? He couldn't tell, everything past one o'clock was fuzzy.

[Text: Unknown] Hey. Hope you're alright.


[Text: Maxie] Disgusting you?

Nope. Delete.

[Text: Maxie] I'm okay, you? Who is this?

[Text: Unknown] Image

Oscar. Almost exactly how he looked the previous morning, disheveled and yet adorable, although this time he wasn't smiling. It was a more serious expression with a hint of a smirk in the lips. It was undeniably a good look.

[Text: Maxie] How did you get get my number?

[Text: Unknown] I asked you to give it to me haha

[Text: Maxie] I am so sorry. I was really smashed. I'm literally just waking up now

[Text: Oscar] Lazy lol

[Text: Maxie] You literally just sent me a picture in bed

[Text: Oscar] Touche, although in my defense I'm about to get up and go out

[Text: Maxie] Gross

[Text: Oscar] Probably not as gross as you right now. You weren't allowed back in when I found you outside so I helped you get home

A wave of intense humiliation hit him, as well as pieces fitting together in his head, the confusing puzzle smoothing out to become a clear picture. Maxie had puked outside of a club. Yikes.

In his defense, he hadn't drank in a good long while before that. He was getting back in the swing of things.

[Text: Maxie] Well at least I didn't cry

[Text: Oscar] You also cried

Well that's fucking brilliant. He was half tempted to end the conversation right there although there was another incoming text.

[Text: Oscar] Also I owe you two drinks now

[Text: Maxie] Technically you didn't owe me one of the first place

[Text: Oscar] Well I've made a shitty first and second impression and you can barely remember the one successful good deed I did sooo

[Text: Oscar] Also I'm trying to get as many people to come to my band's show sooo come for free drinks

He was in a band? Okay, that was actually pretty cool. You know what, despite their very awkward first encounters, the guy had made a pretty awesome impression. On the other hand, Maxie was a sucker for cute boys with friendly personalities. His kryptonite.

[Text: Maxie] When is it?

[Text: Oscar] Wednesday

[Text: Maxie] Do I have to pay to get in?

[Text: Oscar] Nah, friends get in free

His friend? Yep, consider Maxie completely and utterly won over. Admittedly he could barely say no to people so he would have payed anyway but still. Aw.

[Text: Maxie] I'll be there

[Text: Oscar] You better lol

A knock at his door caused him to jolt in surprise.

"Hello?" He spoke groggily, his throat dry.

Chloe poked her head in. "Where the fuck did you go? And why the fuck didn't you answer my texts?"

Maxie scrambled his head and went off his current text conversation to see that there were a number of read texts beneath from Chloe. Oh. He must have read them last night and not replied.

"I got kicked out. Sorry for worrying you."

"You got kicked out?"


"Welcome to the club. Now the you're officially initiated into the house. Get up to your tenth time and you get a t-shirt."

Maxie paused. "Is that a joke or?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and left rather than answering.

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