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Maxie was settling back into normalcy with school. Since his anxiety attack the previous week, he'd been more careful with himself and started actively working on techniques to help this into his day to day life. Starting from the ground up was better than letting himself sink, after all. Keeping busy with University often helped and no longer being behind, it became easy to fall into the routine and the steady pace.

"You got that on your first essay?"

Maxie grinned and Daisy reviewed the results page on his laptop screen. They had been hanging out in the library with Chloe.

He'd been so nervous about the essay he'd done before Christmas. This wasn't his first piece of work this school year but it certainly was for this course at this University. He'd had to re-teach himself months worth of material and it paid off. This took off a huge pressure from his shoulders and it felt like one small puzzle piece was fitting together. If they kept falling into place, happiness would soon follow.

"Well done," Chloe said with a kinder look than she'd given him over the past few days. A spring was back in her step and her expressions were brighter again.

Since their conversation, he'd noticed that she was more irritated and more withdrawn. He knew why and he didn't encourage it but it hurt to see her like that anyway. Finally she was back to normal and hopefully over the fixation that consumed her previously.

"Thank you," he replied in a small voice, although his eyes shone with appreciation. He was going to appreciate the good things more so from now on. He was much happier dwelling on these little things than the problems and although it was easier said than done, he was going to try for his own sake.

"What are you guys up to tonight?" He asked.

Suddenly the lightness of the room died and was replaced with something awkward.

So much for positivity.

They looked between each other.

Daisy put on a smile. "We're just going out tonight."

Instantly Maxie recognized what it was. The 'we're' made it all clear. They were sharing plans that excluded him.

He met them two with a smile. "Ooh, sounds fun."

He didn't mind it. Honestly. He didn't expect to be included in all plans and it was okay that he wasn't. They knew people that he didn't know and he didn't want to impose on people's plans anyway.

"What about you?" Chloe inquired, eyes back on the screen of her laptop.

"I don't know. I think I might be going over to Gwen's."

This was a lie but he'd rather use his over thinking to make people feel better.

Chloe didn't respond, suddenly engrossed in her phone.

Daisy didn't notice this.

Maxie observed them subtly for the next few minutes. Chloe was typing away on her phone smiling to herself. He couldn't assume anything but something bad twisted in his stomach.

Daisy headed off to go get them all coffee refills from the machine eventually after becoming tired with her work and wanting an excuse to take a break.

"What's up?" Maxie said after she was gone, lowering his laptop screen. "You seem happy."

Chloe glanced up and shook her head, her smile smaller but her eyes were hopeful. "Nothing."

"Doesn't seem like nothing," he replied, trying to convey a lighter, jokier tone.

Even this turned her expression sour. "And the point you're trying to make is?"

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