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You awoke around 10:00a.m to an empty bed. You slowly sat up, groaning, before looking around the room for any sight of your lovable boyfriend/girlfriend.

You didn't see him/her anywhere causing you to frown. You were hoping she/he wouldn't forget, but it seemed like she/he did. Today was the day. Your birthday. This was the first birthday that you were going to celebrate with S/o/c (Slasher Of Choice), but she/he didn't seem to be around.

You slowly pulled the blanket off of your body before standing up. You walked over towards the dresser that sat in the corner of your room. You began looking through all of the clothes for the perfect outfit. Whether S/o/c was with you or not, you were going to enjoy your day.

You eventually decided on your favorite outfit that you usually only wore on special occasions. You walked into the bathroom and debated on taking a quick shower. You shrugged and walked over to the shower, turning it on.

You sat your clothes on the bathroom counter and began to take off the pajamas you previously wore to sleep. You tossed them into the black bin that sat beside the door and entered the shower.

You told yourself that you were only going to take a quick shower, but it didn't turn out that way. You didn't feel like getting out. But around twenty minutes later, you forced yourself out of the shower.

You stepped out, feeling the cold air hit your body and wrapped a soft towel around your body and walked over to the foggy mirror. You took you hand and wiped it off, staring at your own reflection. You slightly frowned at the situation before simply shrugging it off.

You made sure your towel was securely wrapped around your body before reaching over and grabbing your f/c tooth brush. You began to brush your teeth as normal. Once you were done, you grabbed and began to comb through the mess that was your hair.

Once you were done, you looked up at the mirror and sighed. You tried to shake off the horrible feeling of being alone today as you finished doing your normal morning things. It didn't take long for you do be done with everything. You exited the bathroom and walked down the set of stairs.

You looked around the living room for any sign of S/o/c. Nothing. You quietly sighed before walking into the kitchen. You sat down on top of the counter, trying to decide what you wanted for breakfast, but nothing really sounded good to you.

Maybe you felt too hurt to eat or something because your appetite was completely gone. You slightly shook your head before sliding off of the counter and going back into the living room. You walked near the front door and put your shoes on. You grabbed your purse and left the house, deciding to go for a walk to clear your head.

As you were walking down the street, you kept your head down, glaring at the pavement under your classic pair of shoes that you wore everyday. The sound of laughter caused you to raise your head.

Oh. Sometimes you forget that you live next to a children's playground. You watched as children ran around playing what looked like tag. It was nice to see children actually outside. That doesn't happen much.


After your almost an hour long walk, you decided to head back towards your house and create a plan for the day. Maybe you would go out with some of your friends.

Once you got to your house, you walked up the steps and stood in front of the door, searching through your purse trying to find your house key.

Eventually you pulled out the silver key and began to unlock the door. Once the door was unlocked, you put the key into your pocket before twisting the door handle. The door opened with a quiet squeak.

As soon as you walked in, you were met with your same old empty house. You sighed placing your purse on the small rack before beginning to walk into the kitchen.

You took one step and out came multiple people. "Surprise!" You gasped, slightly jumping. Once you got over being startled, you grinned at the people that you called your friends. In the crowd, you even spotted the person who you had been missing all day.

"Thank you guys." You sincerely spoke. "I had honestly thought you all forgot."

You heard someone dramatically gasp before Ghostface spoke up." We would never." He placed his gloved hand on his heart. You could only assume he had a dramatic expression on his face. You simply smiled, shaking your head.

One by one, all of the slashers you knew as your friends came up to you telling you happy birthday. Some of them even hugged you. Once everyone settled down and was chatting with the people around them, you walked up to (s/o/c). You raised your eyebrows at him/her.

"I was gathering everyone for the party. I had a cake to get and balloons to find." He/she simply shrugged. You slightly shook your head with a smile on your face as you pulled her/him into a hug.

"Thank you, (s/o/c). Best birthday ever."

(A/N: This was inspired by my birthday being today. I was originally going to make this a Michael one, but changed my mind last minute, so if things seem odd, that's why. Does anyone have any requests? As always, stay beautiful!)

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