Pick// Jason & Freddy

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You had just went out on a lovely picnic with Jason and you were both on your way back to the slasher house.

As soon as the two of you walked through the front door, you were greeted with Freddy sitting on the couch peacefully watching television.

The sound of the front door shutting turned his attention to you and the taller slasher. He looked the both of you up and down, raising his eyebrows.

"Where were the two of you?" He questioned, putting his show on pause and then standing up. He took a couple of steps so that he was standing in front of you and Jason.

"We went out on a picnic." You told him, shrugging. You didn't think it was a big deal, but you were beginning to think that Freddy thought it was a big deal.

"Just the two of you? You didn't invite the rest of us?" His voice lowered as he looked towards Jason, giving him a look you didn't recognize.

"Well Jason asked me and only me. I thought it would be rude to invite anyone else." You explained yours and Jason's actions. "We can all go out tomorrow." You suggested.

Freddy shook his head. "Y/n, could you give Jason and I a minute please." He turned his head towards you and politely asked. You slowly nodded as you began to climb the creaky stairs that led up to your bedroom.

You walked down the hallway and as you were walking, Tiffany came out of her and Chucky's bedroom and looked up at you.

"I was looking for you earlier. I borrowed some of your makeup." She shrugged before handing you your f/c makeup bag. You nodded and thanked her for giving it back to you. "Where were you all day?" She questioned.

"Oh. Jason and I went out on a picnic." You simply told her, shrugging. Her eyes widened. It seemed as if she knew something that you didn't. "Just you two?"

"Yeah." You nodded, wondering why she was suddenly acting strange.

"Does Freddy know?" She lowered her voice to a whisper. You nodded. "Oh dear." She shook her head as she began to walk back inside her shared bedroom without another word. She shut the door, leaving you out in the hallway, confused.

A sudden slam from downstairs startled you. You quickly ran down the hallway and down the stairs to see Freddy slowly sliding down the wall and Jason angrily standing across the room.

Freddy quickly rose up and began to make his way back over to Jason with his gloved hand raised, ready to strike Jason with it.

Your jaw dropped and all you could do was watch as the two battled it out. What happened in such a short amount of time that sent the two into a physical fight?

You watched as Jason pulled out his machete and you began to silently panic. You didn't want something insanely bad to happen to either of them.

You finally began to snap out of the shock you were in and you took a step forward. "Guys! Stop!" You yelled out, but the two ignored you as they kept dueling it out.

You grimaced as Freddy's knifed hand came in contact with the machete that was tightly wielded in Jason's fist. All you could do was shake your head, with all of your thoughts racing everywhere.

You watched them for a couple minutes longer before you absolutely couldn't bare to see them battle anymore. As loud as you could you yelled out, "enough!"

Fortunately, for you, the two finally stopped and turned their attention towards you. You eyed the both of them, giving the both of them the nastiest glare you could.

"What is the matter with you two?!" You lowered your voice, but kept it loud enough for them both to hear. They both stayed silent causing you to narrow your eyes at them and shake your head. "Fine. I'm going to bed." You crossed your arms and turned, ready to go back up the stairs.

The sound of Freddy's voice stopped you. "We both have feelings for you." He admitted. You stopped right in your tracks with widened eyes. You slowly turned to look at them and eyed them, trying to make sure this wasn't a prank or something. "For the sake of everyone in this house, please pick one of us."

Your eyes somehow got even wider once those words left Freddy's mouth. But you knew he was right. You had to pick. It was going to tear everyone apart, especially you and the guys if you didn't.

〰️You picked Jason〰️

"Freddy, you're a great guy and everything. I loved the little flirty comments and jokes, but deep down, I think I've always known that my heart belonged to Jason. I'm sorry." You spoke with a small frown on your face.

Freddy's face showed anger and hurt, but he pushed it aside as he nodded. "I will respect that." He muttered before going up the stairs, leaving you and Jason alone.

Jason walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his warm embrace. A smile began to form as you buried your head into his chest and finally felt relaxed.

〰️You picked Freddy〰️

"Okay. Your right. I need to pick and I need to do it now. Before anything gets worse." You slowly nodded. Your heart was racing as you tried to find the right words.

"I pick Freddy. I'm sorry Jason." You sadly spoke. You carefully watched Jason, wondering what his next move was. Jason nodded and slowly walked out of the front door.

"Why me?" Freddy spoke up, killing the silence.

"I took an interest in you since I met you. There's just something about you." You shrugged.

〰️You Choose Both〰️

Each of you stood in silence as you tried to decide which of them you really wanted to be with. You thought about the pros and the cons, but you still couldn't come up with your decision.

"Guys... I don't know who I pick." You slowly and quietly spoke, looking down at your feet, suddenly finding them interesting.

"Well.." Freddy trailed off, trying to come up with a reasonable solution, but he seemed to be stumped as well. "Who do you like?" He asked.

"The both of you." You slightly shrugged. You had an idea, but you were too nervous to say it. You thought the two would judge you.

"What if you just pick us both." Thankfully Freddy suggested. You looked at Jason to see him nod. You nodded as well. "Okay well that's settled."

(A/N: so this was new. How'd I do? Anyways, stay beautiful♥️)

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