Sweater Weather//Freddy

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   It was a chilly day around mid October. The sun was beginning to set, so the sky was a mixture of absolutely beautiful colors. You had always watched the sun set, mesmerized by its beauty.

  Little did you know, the way the sun set mesmerized you, you mesmerized a certain dream demon.

  Freddy absolutely adored you. Although being mushy and lovey wasn't his thing, every single day he showed you with love and affection, making sure you knew he cared deeply for you.

  Freddy found you absolutely adorable. He loved it whenever you smiled. It made his whole day a lot better. Especially whenever you laughed at one of his jokes. Oh, he loved that. Seeing you happy made his heart flutter, which slightly annoyed him, but he usually paid no attention to it because he was too focused on you.

  As you were watching the sun set, you hummed a tune that you've had stuck in your head all day. As you were in the middle of humming, you suddenly stopped, a chill running through your body. You were getting cold.

  You sighed, scooting off of the little couch in front of the window. You glanced at the sunset one last time before running up the stairs of your house and into your bedroom, which Freddy often stayed in there with you.

  You began to look through the closet for something warm looking whenever a red and green striped sweater caught your e/c orbs. Biting your lip, your hand reached out and grabbed it, taking it off of the hanger it was on. You held the sweater in your hands, wondering how it even got there.

  Then you remembered. Freddy had once stayed the night and accidentally left his sweater there so you hung it up so you wouldn't lose it so you could return it to the dream demon.

  Going back to the fabric you held in your hands, you eyed it before laying it on the bed. You slipped out of the current top you were wearing and tossed it into a bin over in the corner of your room.

  You grabbed the sweater and began to put it on, already feeling the warmth. Once the sweater was on, you already felt much more relaxed and comfortable.

  You couldn't help but smell the strong smell that was coming off of it. It smelled like Freddy and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. You loved how the dream demon smelled. It was comforting.

   You smiled as the sleeves went over your hands and began to run downstairs. You sat right back down on the couch near the window and continued watching what was left of the beautiful sunset.

   Eventually the sky was just dark. The was no orange, yellow, red, or any other sort of color left in the sky. It was all simply dark.

  As you looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars now, you felt your eyes become heavy. You struggled to keep them open and eventually you couldn't resist the urge to close them.

  Before you knew it, your eyes slowly began to flutter shut and you welcomed the darkness.

  Around an hour later after you were completely asleep and there was no waking you up, the dream demon entered the house. He was about to walk up the stairs, assuming you would be asleep in your bed, whenever he noticed you passed out near the window.

  He slightly smiled as he walked over to you. Your h/c hair was in your face, your cheeks were flushed a shade of pink, and a small smile was placed on your perfect lips.

  That's when he noticed the red and green striped sweater on your body. He shook his head, smiling. He thought you looked cute in his sweater and if he was being honest, he would let you have it if you liked it and judging by how peaceful and comfortable you looked, he assumed you liked it.

  He took one more final look at your sleeping form and began to move to pick you up. He swooped you up in his arms as if you weighed the same amount as a feather and began to carry you up the stairs.

  You slightly moved a bit and let out a quiet groan before burying your head into his chest, relaxing at the scent of him.

  Freddy laid you down in your bed and covered you up with the f/c sheets before simply laying down next to you, wrapping his arms around your body.

  Just like that, the two of you laid there, feeling comfortable and relaxed.

  (A/N: Sooo, I'm still sad, but whenever I get upset about something specific, I'm being ridiculous so *cough*. I'm back my dudes!! As always, stay beautiful💛)

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