Chapter 1

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Clove Pov:

Tomorrow is like every year the reaping. One boy and one girl from each district will be sent to the Hunger Games. 24 tributes will fight a week after the reaping in the arena between live and death. This is where I train for all my life. The most of my district are 18 year when they volunteer and go to the arena as tribute

I’m 16. Most people underestimate me when they see me. The reason is that I’m not that big and that they think I’m weak. But after they have fought with me, they only respect me. Tomorrow there will be a name drawn for the Hunger Games. And one of our 3 will be volunteer for the games. This is like every year. The 3 best girls of the district 2 must fight against each other The best girl wins and goes to the arena . I am one of those three girls

Here in District 2 it is an honor to go in the Hunger Games. In other districts it’s different they fear to go to the Hunger Games. Because they know that they have only a small chance against the tributes from District 1 and 2.We are stronger. Here in District 2, all children between 12-18 trained to fight in the Hunger Games. This is forbidden, but people from the Capitol don’t do anything. Why should they? This gives more show. Trained children entertains more than untrained tributes. What would happen in the games if there were just stupid kids running around in the arena who don’t know how to fight. With us there is ”so much more fun”. Today I have to prove that I’m stronger than my 2 opponents and that I am it worth it to go to in the arena. When I return from the arena, I will bring honor to my District.

With the girl next to me I will first fight. The girl smiled confidently as she sees me. “Okay, be prepared, girls,” shouted the coach loudly. I ran to her and laugh with my mean smile I always do that when people underestimate me. I smiled at her. She stared at me in horror and amazement. Perfect I thought. ‘Start’, called the trainer. I smiled . We first turned around to each other and she made her first attack. She pushed me hard on the ground and tried to hit me , but before she could do it . I pull her on the ground and hit her hard on her jaw. She dazzled and she blinked her eyes and I saw that this was the perfect moment for me.I pushed her head on the floor and put my foor on her throat.She tried to make her way out.Bu she couldn’t

I asked her sweetly: ’Is that all you got? I growled and she began to struggle again. But she could not go anywhere she knew that as well as I did. The trainer took her away from me.”Clove wins from Christa,” said the trainer to someone who was holding the score. The girl how apparently called Christa walked angrily out of the trainingcentre.

‘May ,it’s your turn. Let’s see what you’re worth, “said the trainer. If I won of this girl I would go to the Hunger Games. I looked across the room where the tests of the volunteers of the boys were taken. I saw Cato fight with an equally big boy like himself. Looks like this was also his last fight. When I thought that he would go to the Hunger Games, I was completely happy. I would be the person who killed Cato, the sword legend of District 2. Cato had apparently saw me looking at him and he turned to me and smiled, grinning as he hit his opponents. I rolled my eyes and Cato start laughing.

Cato was the boy with blond hair and bright blue eyes. I knew him since his 7th and I hated him. How he goes to school if he owns it, and all the girls in his year who run after him. I brought my thoughs back to my opponent who I tried to floor but she sidestepped and she tried to push her feet in my stomach but I was faster than her and I escaped when she tried to tackle me. I jumped over her legs and hit her on her jaw just as I did whit my last opponent. She screamed loudly.

When my fist hit her jaw. There flowed blood out her nose and she tried to beat me. But again she was to slow for me. I could beat her easily if she was that slow.In the corner of my eye I saw Cato his opponent lying on the ground. Good, I thought, so he goes to the arena with me. If I thought of killing Cato a kind of energy flowed trought me.I hit my opponent hard on her face. So hard that she felt on the ground. Cato was now watching my fight and he crossed his arms together. I had my opponent now in a strong grip I hit her 3 times in her face. Then she lost her consciousness. I had won. So that meant I went to the arena. I grinned at that thought and thought about different ways how I could kill Cato. My trainer came up to me and she looked pride.

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