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I'm stuck in-between
reality and memories

I still see your car
every night parked in my yard

I still hear your laugh
sitting in my living room
in the chairs I sit in everyday

I hear your humming
when I have a blanket over me
feeling the non-existent warmth
of your phantom chest
when I used to fall asleep in your arms

I feel your hands
anytime I'm doing laundry
pinned against the wall

I see you everywhere
in this house
in the music I listen to
particular parking lots

I still feel as happy
when I'd stare at you
unable to believe
you were right there
even when it was reality
but it comes crashing back
when I realise I'm in a memory again

I can't tell the difference
between reality and memories anymore
I'm spiraling again

I'm slowly going clinically insane
all because of you

The Devil's Love-Ridden Abuse II POETRY  Second EditionWhere stories live. Discover now