Until Next Time... (Book 2 Teaser)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I awoke slowly, surrounded by complete darkness. The silence was unbearable, and I couldn't breathe.

Well, would you look at that? You died before Beacon fell... Idiot

""You again... what's going on?" I managed to whisper.

You belong to me now...

"W-who are...you?"

My name, is Salem, but you can address me as "your highness" .

"I... remember falling? H-how am I...alive?"

You're not... but we can change that if you so desire. For a price, of course.

"W-what price?"

You'll owe me one  favor, in which you will be physically incapable of resisting once I ask it of you.

"Promise me.... I w-won't hurt anyone."

You're not exactly in a position to ask that of me, boy... now, do you want to live...?

I felt excruciating pain in my chest, like my heart was being crushed by an unseen claw.

Or do you want to feel this for eternity?

"L-live... We have a deal!"


Time That Remains; RWBY x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now