Keith Kogane[TRASH]

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It wasn't his fault.

It wasn't his fault he fell for him.

It wasn't his fault he wanted him.

But he couldn't help it.

Imagine being stuck in a group of galras who want to go against Zarcon and not one of them had sexual frustration like you.

Yes, that was how he felt like until a certain someone came.

A male shorter than him with black hair and looks that aren't one of a galra's came and just joined the group.

Ofcourse, the male just had to have that bubble butt and slim waist.

And (M/n) fell for it.


(M/n) sighed for the nth time as he lounged lazily beside Krolia who was inspecting her blade.

"What's gotten you distracted lately?", asked Krolia, looking to him and tilting her head.

"You know how there's a new member...", He dragged on.

"And?", Krolia raised an eyebrow.

(M/n) looked at her with an eyebrow raised while trying to tell his story with his eyes which Krolia understood as The female widened her eyes and let her jaw hang for a moment before finally answering her own question.

"You fell for my son?!",

"Tell the whole ship why don't-- He's your son?!", (M/n) sat up in shock. It's not everyday you hear that your crush is actually your best friend's son.

"Is it not obvious?", asked Krolia with her eyebrow raised one again.

"Well, it is but that isn't my problem right now.", (M/n) sighed, laying down once again.

Silent footsteps followed by the door to the room opening were heard but (M/n)'s world stopped once he heard the voice.

"Krolia?! Are you alright?!", The person, or creature considering most of them were not really humans to begin with, exclaimed marched straight to the female.

"Oh, Keith! We were just talking about you.", Krolia chirped and sent (M/n) a look that says 'talk to my son, you doofus' He replied with a pout and a glare.

Keith looked around the room and his eyes stopped on (M/n), sounds seemed muffled as the male stared back at him.

Krolia, sensing the tension, creeped towards the door and silently shut it, wishing her son a goodluck knowing his crush liked him back.

(M/n) breaked the staring contest by sitting up straight and introducing himself, "Hey, the name's (M/n).", and lending out a hand afterwards.


They shook hands and it  lingered for only a moment but both had to let go as to avoid creeping the other out.

"You're the new recruit, correct?", Oh god, he sounded so mature and not himself. (M/n) smiled on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out.

"Y-yes, I am.", Fuck (Should I have written 'Quiznack' instead?), He stuttered, Keith usually never stuttered unless he was nervous.

(M/n), noticing his stutter, didn't mind it. He was so cute.

"Quite surprised you lasted this long, Some usually die on their first mission.", He smirked.

Oh God, Keith thought. He smirked, He freaking smirked. Keith tried to fight the blush but it had won the war and crawled its way up his cheeks.

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