- casual affair -

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"Good morning." I said while walking into the kitchen.
"Good morning, can we talk?" Sarah looked down.
"Yeah sure, what's wrong?" 
"I um...I've been having an affair with Dallon."
"What?  Why?" I started tearing up.
"I just felt like you can't get over Ryan. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, I really can't get over him."
"I'm gonna go. Go get your man, I love you." She said, going upstairs to pack her stuff.
"Love you too." I sat down and got my phone out.

Brendon: So, where do you wanna meet?

Ryan: you know the street next to that new starbucks?

Brendon: Yeah

Ryan: Can we meet there?

Brendon: Sure :) cya

Ryan: see you later :)

"Hey, Sarah. I'm going out!"
I got up and walked out the door. As I got in my car, I thought about what to say to him. By the time I could even think of one phrase to say, I was there.
Ryan was standing near a trashcan and he looked awfully nervous.
As I got out of my car, I saw him strolling towards me.
"Hey, Brendon!"
"Is everything alright?"
"No. Sarah cheated on me with Dallon and I'm just really hurt."
"Oh fuck, I'm sorry." He hugged me.
"Thank you, I really needed a hug."
"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
"I regret leaving the band, I regret hurting you."
"Ryan, you didn't hurt me. It's my fault it happened."
He started walking away and I started sobbing.
"I still love you, Ryan." I cried.
"Who could love me? I'm out of my mind?" He replied.
"God, Ryan. I love you and I can't stop myself. Every night since you left, I've stayed up thinking about how you look happier without me because you really do. I mean, I even wrote songs for you. Wasn't it obvious? I kept the first gift you gave me. I know the times I kissed you on stage, you got angry after but I loved you and I still do." I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face.
He turned around and ran over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his tears getting my shirt wet but I didn't care.
We drove to his house and he held my hand the whole drive.

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now