- the enemy -

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I got up and drove to Starbucks, I was really craving some iced coffee.
I got in and walked up to the cashier.
"Hey, could I please get an venti iced coffee?"
"Yeah, sure thing! What's your name?"
"Brendon, with an o."
"Okay, one venti iced coffee coming right up!"
I went to sit down but I saw two people sitting at a table, making out. Ryan was one of them.
"Wow, Ryan. You really had to lie to me, didn't you?" I shouted.
"B-brendon, it's not what it looks like."
"It looks like you're making out with someone right after you told me you loved me. I never should've trusted you, you asshole." I ran out the door without retrieving my drink. I slammed my car door closed and cried over my steering wheel. How could he do that to me? I thought he loved me but I guess not. I hated myself for trusting him. My phone kept buzzing but I ignored it. It was obviously Ryan, pretending that he cared about me, pretending that he loved me. I drove to my house and opened the door, breaking-down completely.

> trigger warning <
I walked up the stairs and stolled into the bathroom. I rummaged through the cabinets and found a sharp enough razor.
"Just do it, pussy."
I pressed it against my wrist and clenched my teeth.
Then someone knocked.

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now