- hurt -

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Brendon's POV:

I woke up with a raging migraine and no one beside me. "Ryan!" I shouted to hear no response.
I grab my phone and press on Ryan's number. He doesn't pick up the first few times but when he does, it breaks my heart.
"What do you want, Brendon?"
"Where are you?"
"Somewhere where you can't strangle me again."
"What? Oh my fucking god, did I hurt you last night?"
"Yes, you did."
"I'm so fucking sorry. I was just so drunk and-"
"You don't need to apologize. You don't love me, I get it."
"Ryan, you know I love you. I always have loved you."
"No one wants a broken toy."
"What do you mean? You are not a toy, Ry."
"I seem like I am."
"Ryan. No."
"I've been played with so many fucking times, I can't even be in love with anyone without getting my heart broken. I just hate myself so fucking much. I love you, Bren, I really do but I think we need to take a break. I'm still here if you ever need me, I'm always here. Bye, B."
He hung up the phone. I deserved it, I fucked up so fucking badly. I hurt him.

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now