- truce -

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Ryan's pov:

"Come on, Brendon. Please don't ignore me." I shouted at my phone while running to Brendon's house.
My breathing was very heavy and I was really worried about him, I had to be. When I walked in, I knew exactly where to find him.
I ran up the stairs and kept knocking on the bathroom door. I opened it and I saw Brendon kneeling on the floor with a small pool of blood.
I started breathing really quickly and my mind felt like it was on fire. The blood, the tears hitting it, Brendon. It was too much. I fell to my knees and started sobbing.
"B-Brendon, please don't do th-this. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I lied. I j-just wanted to try it. I haven't made out with someone in years." 
"Leave. Now."
"No. I won't leave you ever again. Please stay alive...for me."
"Why should I? You don't love me."
"Brendon, I do love you, I completely adore you. I love how a small smile from you makes my heart race a mile in a minute. I love how every day, I seem to fell in love with you more and more, even though I thought that was impossible. Bren, you are irreplacable."
"Ry, I love you. Thank you for being there for me." He sounded so small and defeated. I let his hand wander through my hair as we kissed so passionately.
"When I was lost and insecure, you found me, you saved me. You made me feel wanted, you made me feel loved. I didn't see how much you cared about me, that's why I left. I was so ignorant."  I looked him in his teared-up eyes.
"God, I want to go back and change everything. I want to stop myself from hurting you." He started crying again.
"Baby, don't cry. This isn't your fault."  I hushed him gently.
"Ry, you should probably go home." 
"Text me if you need me. I love you." I said before kissing him.
"I love you too." He smiled.
I got up and threw the razors in the bin.
"Thank you...so...much." He whispered.
"You're welcome, Brenny." I smiled.
"Don't call me that!" He giggled.
"I love youuuuuu!" I ran out of the door.

Brendon's pov:
I loved Ryan, he was my absolute world. He saved me from myself, I would have been dead if it weren't for him.

Ryan ❤: Hey, you okay?
Brendon: Yup :)
Ryan ❤: I love you.
Brendon: i think of you before i fall asleep and then again as soon as i wake up. you see, you're never out of my thoughts
Ryan ❤: you're so fucking cheesy
Brendon: so are youuuuu
Ryan ❤: gtg, ilyyy
Brendon: love you toooo ❤❤

I placed my phone next to my bed and layed down to rest.

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now