- you found me -

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+ abuse warning +

"Good morning." I yawned.
"You okay?"
"Why did you save me?"
"If I lose you, I lose myself. You aren't just my world, you're my universe. I just wanna lay next to you and listen to the beat of your heart. I just wanna close my eyes and fall asleep in your arms. I just wanna feel you and forget the world."
"Ry, I completely lost myself when you left. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I acted happy on camera and around..pretty much..everyone and then I saw you at the party. You made my heart jump. When I walked over to you, I really thought you hated me. I thought I had lost my chance to gain you back or even be your friend, I thought we had lost everything between us."
"Bren, we can never lose what's between us. This love will last forever, I will love you forever."
"Thank you, baby boy."
"No problem."
"I'm going out with Josh and Tyler tonight, wanna come?"
"Nah, I'm fine."

+ time skip brought to you by laura's horrible writing +

Brendon had just left and I was left by myself so I started watching a few movies on Netflix. Halfway through the third one, I had to get my charger because my laptop had died. When I got downstairs, Brendon came in through the front door. He looked completely drunk. He grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall.
"B-brendon, please stop." I managed to choke out.
He continued to strangle me.
This wasn't Brendon, he wouldn't do this. He had an evil look on his face as if a demon had taken over his body.
When he finally let me go, I ran out of the door, sobbing. I didn't want to see him. I was scared of him.
I got my phone out of my pocket and frantically texted Spencer.

Ross 🎸: hey spence, can i come over?

Spin 🥁: yeah what's wrong?

Ross 🎸: Brendon's drunk and he hurt me.

Spin 🥁: are you okay???

Ross 🎸: no, im scared.

Spin 🥁: where are you??

Ross 🎸: outside my house

Spin 🥁: stay safe, ill be there soon

Ross 🎸: thank you so much

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now