- always -

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Beebo 🎙: I've been checked out, where should I meet you?

Ross 🎸: Do you know where Spence lives?

Beebo 🎙: yeah, should I go there?

Ross 🎸: yup, see ya. I love you.

Beebo 🎙: I love you too.

"Spence, Bren is coming here."
"Okay, I'll go get ready."

A few minutes later, I heard him knocking on the door.
I ran to open it and he practically jumped on me.
"I missed you, Ry."
"I missed you too, Bren."
"Close the door, you two love-birds!" Spencer shouted.
I slammed the door closed and Brendon pulled me to sit down.
"I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I just got really mad."
"Bren, it's fine."
"I love you, Ry."
"Hey, you two kids, go home before something happens." Spencer winked.
"Oh fuck youuuu!"
We ran out the door laughing and we drove to my house.
Once we through my front-door, Brendon sat down and I sat down next to him.
He turned to me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. "I love you, Ryro." he whispered in my ear.
"I love you too, Bren. I'm so fucking sorry I hurt you. I don't deserve you...at all. I never have deserved you. You are too good for me."
"No, Ry. All I want is you, only you. You saved me, for gods sake. I love you, George Ryan Ross The Third. That's why I'm doing....this." He kneeled down and he was holding a box.
Inside was a promise ring and it glistened so bright.
"Ryan, from this day forward, I promise you that I will love you, I promise you that I will protect you, I promise you that I will make you happy, I promise you that I will do anything for you, anything." He slid the ring onto my finger.
"I love you, Brendon Boyd Urie. You make me smile as hard as I possibly can. You make me laugh so fucking much, you get me. You understand my problems, you know how to look after me."

far too young to die // ryden //Where stories live. Discover now