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Jennie POV

"You're beautiful Jennie, you've always been beautiful", i heard Lisa telling me, i started to cry because i always heard the negative things other people say but Lisa always comforts me. Lisa is my girlfriend, she been my girlfriend for 4 years, we graduated high school together and we're now attending college together.

You see, i am blind,
And I've been blind since forever,
So i never saw myself or my parents or even Lisa but she is always there for me,
And i love her, since in high school kids troubled me but now we're in college some still do.

After i stopped crying she carried me home and we were eating dinner till she asked a question out of nowhere......

"Will you marry me jennie?"

I was shocked, of course i wanted to marry her but we're still in college,
"Babe we're still in college", i replied,
I didn't hear anything after so i suspect that she was sad
"But i promise, as soon as we graduate, I'll marry you" i replied quickly, i felt her smile after that so i smiled back
"But lets make a deal if in a few weeks i get new eyes, i will marry you, I promise you", i said,
"Really!?", she replied excitingly,
"Yes", i said, and then we continued to eat our dinner and after we went to bed where she kissed me goodnight and i fell asleep in her arms.

*1 week later*

"Babe!!!! I have great news!!!!!, the doctors found a donor!!!!", i told lisa,
"Jinja!?" She said as we both jump in excitement
"Tomorrow is the operation, i am so nervous" , i said
"Everything will be okay baby, i cant wait!" She replied.

*Next day*
*At Hospital*

"Hey dad, where is lisa?, i want to talk to her before the operation." I said with a scared voice,
"I dont know jen, and would you stop acting like you will die because of the operation, you should be happy honey!" He replied,
"Miss Jennie Kim, its time for your operation", i heard someone say, probably the doctor,

*After the operation*

"Open your eyes jennie", i heard the doctors say,
I opened my eyes and saw my parents, it was the first time i saw my parents, i started to cry and i hugged them , and then my sister, Jisoo ,came in with her girlfriend, Rosè, who is also Lisa's bestie , we all cried and hugged each other , but i didn't see lisa,
So i just shrugged it off thinking she was busy.
"Jennie you should rest your new eyes now", the doctor said and i nod my head and went to sleep after bidding goodbye to everyone.

*2 weeks later*

I am being discharged today and for the last 2 weeks I haven't heard anything from lisa, when i would ask about her everyone would try to change the topic,
I even called her but no answer.

As i was walking out of the hospital with my family my phone ranged and it was lisa,
I answered quickly
"Yah!!!!!, its been two weeks, whats wrong with you!?", i heard her laugh over the phone,
"Its not funny lisa!", i said,
"Im sorry babe, i was really busy, but I'll visit today, Rosè will bring me by, oh and by the way, i have a surprise for you, i have to go now, bye, love you", she said and hang up.

I was so excited to see lisa for the first time
When i reached home i went and freshen up and then sat on the porch waiting for Lisa,
Then i saw a car pulled up
"Must be lisa" i thought,
I saw Rosè stepped out and went to the passenger seat and opened the door,
Then i saw lisa,
She held on to Rosè as the walked to me,
I didn't focus on that, i just kept staring and how beautiful she is,
Until they came closer and Lisa stood infront of me,
She went down on one knee
And pulled out a ring
"You said that if you got your eyes before we graduate you would marry me......so Jennie Kim, can you make me the happiest person in this universe and marry me?", she said whole heartedly and then looked up,
I saw her eyes, they were dull,
And thats when i realized,
She is blind,

I was in shock
I didn't answer i just stared at her
Then i heard her say " chae is she still there or did i just proposed to the wall?",
Chaeyoung looked at me and i turned to lisa and said the words thats broke her heart,
" I can't Marry you lisa, you're blind",
I saw tears formed in her eyes, Rosè stared at me in shock when I said that, and then i started to walk away
And before i closed the door i heard the words that broke my heart,
"I hope you live a great life, see the world with my eyes Jennie, i will always love you"
I was shocked when i heard that,
I was stuck there,
Standing not knowing what to do,
And by the time i came back to my senses, Lisa was gone.

First Chapter😁


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now