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*Jisoo's POV*

It's been 3 weeks now, and I'm Still not over her, being her best friend again isn't making it easier, life sucks, I can't help but look at her all the time, today all four of us are going to hang, lisa told us about a restaurant not far from the apartment.

*at the restaurant*

Here I am, I don't know why I'm like this, how can something look this good, I just wanna eat it, grabs it, and forcefully place it in my mouth, and lick my fingers clean when I'm finish, how can god pit so much effort into one thing, I just want to place my lips on this.

My thought was then interrupted when I saw Lisa's hand reach for the thing I've been staring at,


The all looked at me,


"Gosh unnie, have you been listening to us just now?", Jennie said

"No, I've been staring at my one true love", i said looking at the chicken,

"Unnie can i have one?", lisa asked

"Nah fam"

We all laughed then I saw Rosè looked at me


I gulped


"Can i have one of your chicken?", she said while looking into my soul

"I- um- you- take how much you want", I said and pushed the plate towards her

"Whipped", Jennie said

I looked down and blushed and i saw Rosè smirked, I was about to say something when i heard my name

"Chichu!!!??", I got up and turn around


She came and hugged me

"How have you been Irene!?"

"Im good chu!, how have you been?"

"I've been good"

"Anyways wheres this Chaeyoung girl??, if i can recall, you told me she was the one", my eyes widened

"Heheh um, We um"

"Hey babe" i heard Rosè say, she got up and laced our fingers

"I'm chaeyoung, you can call me Rosè", she said and glared at Irene

"Chill Chipmunk, Im engaged"

"Did Seulgi finally proposed?", I asked exitingly

"Yes!!, 2 months ago!, can i have your number so i can invite you guys?"


I gave her my number and she left

"So........ what was that Rosè?", Jennie asked

"I- um, I don't know"

"Jealous", I heard lisa whispered but we all heard it, i started to blush then i looked over Lisa and Jennie and saw that theirs hands and intertwined,

They heard and quickly pulled their hands away

"Are you two back together?"

"We're just dating", they both said

"Yah LALISA when were you going to tell me!?", Rosè said

"When the time was right", everyone went quiet and was eating making small talk here and there until Lisa got up and grabbed the salt on her own.

"What the actual fuck?"

"What?", lisa asked

"You just found the salt by yourself" i said confused

"Oh um- I- i know where it was, i can sense it", the 3 of us exchange looks then jennie made the move

"Lili, how many fingers am i holding up?", she asked raising four

"Four" lisa casually answered.

"HAH, we got you"

"Shit, okay fine I can see"

"Wtf!? How long?"

"Okay okag, remember when i went to Taiwan for vacation?"

"Yes", we all said in unison

"We I actually did the surgery that week, and i stayed home to recover"

"Are you freaking kidding me!!?, i had to work over time!!!!?", i said and she laughed

They all laughed,
I was about to say something till a nice dressed lady came up to us

"Hi, Im the manager for this restaurant and I've been getting complaints about this table being too loud, so if you could you, please tone it down", she said we all apologized and when she left we snickered.

We finished our dinner and we went home,

We used Lisa's car, and the driver stopped in front of apartment and she walked Jennie to the door while Rosè and I was having a casual conversation, everything was fine, until i turned and saw them kiss

"GET IT LISA, WHOOO!!", I felt rosè hit my head and i laughed, I unconsciously wrapped my hands around her waist, then I realized and i pulled my hands away, she grabbed them and put them around her waist again,

"Kiss me chu, I miss your lips"

She pulled me in slowly and we kissed, slowly and passionately, she lightly bit my lips

"GET IT JISOO!!", i heard lisa yelled and we pulled away, Then i saw jennie hit her behind her head and the laughed,

"We should go now love"

"Okay chae, bye", and i pecked her lips one more time,

"LIS , lets go!"

"Im coming"

*later that night*
I got ready for bed, and the last thing i thought about was Rosè, maybe this is our second chance.

*Lisa's POV*

Im horny



Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now