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*2 months later/ 4 months away from Jenlisa's Wedding*

*Rosè's POV*

I am fucking done, i hate this, so damn much, I cannot take it anymore, I walked over to the phone and Dailed her number

"Hello, Rosè?", I heard her sweet voice, my heart rate increased

"Kim Jisoo, I am pregnant for you, get your ass down here now!", And I hung up, oh my fucking god what did i just do.

*Jisoo's POV*

Running, running, running, running, fuck fuck fuck fuck, wheres my car, shiiiiiit the ring is in my office, okay

Running back to my office,Running back to my office,Running back to my office, I opened the doors and ran to my desk, Damn wheres the key for the drawer, ugh

I kicked its and it broke in, some of the employees started to look at me as if i was going mad, i put my hand in and pulled out the box, I checked if the ring was still there, yes it is.

Running to me car, running to my car, Running to my car, there's my car!!!!!!!, I jumped in my Audi R8, and pressed on the X.

*5 minutes later*

I used my old spare key and ran in the apartment,

"Chae!!!!, where the fuck are you!?, Chae!!"

"Jesus chu, shut up!!!, im right here watching tv", I looked at the couch and walked forward slowly, I saw her little bump, I quickly sat next to her and intertwined our fingers, I kissed her hands, she turned and stared deep into my eyes.

"Can you go get the peanut butter and the pickles please?", I smiled and nodded, I came back later, And I watched her devoured it. Damn, im lucky.

"So about the baby?", she looked at me

"I don't care if you don't want it, im keeping it, Jennie and Lisa will help me, they said it their selves", she said looking at the TV

"Im not gonna leave you", I smiled, she turned her head towards me and hugged me instantly and started to sob.

"Its okay Chae, I would never leave you, and how the fuck down Jenlisa knows before me!?", she pulled back and looked down

"I told them",

"So thats why you all have been ignoring me? So you know how I felt, I felt like i stink so much no one wanted to hang with me", She looked at me and laughed

"You don't stink, you smell good, you always do", she leaned in and kissed me, but it was interrupted my Jenlisa coming throughout the door smiling and holding hands, they stopped smiling when they saw me.

"J-jisoo what are you doing here?", Jennie asked

"Shhh", she looked at me weird

"I'll show you what I'm doing here", I went infront of Chae and kneel down, I pulled out the box, and opened it.

"Park Chae-"

"Yes!!!!, YES!, Um I mean continue", she yelled

I chuckled.

"Park Chaeyoung, I've known you my whole life, and I want to spend my future with you, having that baby, and more heh, and growing old with you, This ring was supposed to placed on your finger 3 years ago, but we hit a bump in the road, and I don't card about what happened then, so Chipmunk, will you marry me?", when I was finished she was crying

"Sorry its the hormones I swear", she kept on crying, she nodded and I slowly slide the ring on her finger, she pulled me up and we kissed

"Yayyyyy", Jenlisa cheering in the back,

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now