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*Lisa's POV*
Here I am, sitting on my chair waiting for Jisoo to talk, she's been crying since she got here, i got a call from her saying she needs a place to stay and I gladly accepted her in, I don't know why yet, I know Chae and her must've had a fight, but does it get this bad?, can that Chipmunk of mine make someone like Jisoo cry?.

"Unnie, I know you don't wanna tell me now, but you need to so i can comfort you in the right way",
I said as i got up carefully and felt for the couch she was sitting on.

"Okay lis"


*Jisoo's POV*

"So earlier tonight......

I walked in the room and i heard Chae talking to someone in the phone, I know it was lisa because they talk every night, but then i heard what she said, thats not Lisa, I walked and stood behind her and heard the last part of the conversation,
'Hanbin?' I thought, when she hanged up I confronted her, and all hell broke loose,

"Why are you listening to my conversations Jisoo!!!!!????"

"Thats all you have to say!!!, not sorry???, not 'babe let me explain'?!!!!!"

"Would you stop shouting!!?, you'll wake Jennie up!!?",
Then i heard from the other side of the wall

"Oh I'm fully awake guys, yell all you want, I'm interested in this conversation !!"

"7 years Chae, 7 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!, almost 8, next month was supposed to be our 8th anniversary!!!, am I not enough!?, I saw a Fucking future with you!!!, I wanted to marry you, but everything went to waste because of some ass wipe named ' Hanbin'!!!"

The Jennie peaked her her at the door
"Hanbin!!!?, the douche who works in the mail room?"

"FUCK YOU JISOO!!!!, And you WERE enough, its just that I don't LOVE YOU anymore, and I'm glad I don't!!!!, all those nights when you told me you have alot of paper works!!!?, I know you go out to clubs and party with drunk girls!!!, you always come home late in the night!!!!"

"I never went to clubs, you know how i hate them!!!!, I did stay back to do paper works, i did that so i could save money for the life i dreamed of having with you, ask lisa if you'd like!!!"

"GET OUT!!!!"

I pack some of my clothes an stormed out

*end of flashback*

Shock was evident on Lisa's face.

"I can't believe Chae would do that"

I didn't respond, I just wanted to die at the moment, I give her everything, I treated her like a princess, and she went and cheat behind my back.

Lisa continued to comfort me then she showed me the guest room, and then someone came and carried her to bed.

*Jennie POV*

*Next day*

Y'all whiteness what happened last night right?

Tough shit, i thought they would last, Chae cheated on my cousin, I should be mad, I am, but she is my friend, maybe she has her side to the story.

*skip to the Café*

"Hi", I said as I sat in front of Lisa

"Hey Jen"

"How's your morning?"

"Its great now", she said and smirked, while i blushed, good thing she can't see my red cheeks,

"So about Jisoo and Chae", she said

"You know about them!?"

"Jisoo stayed by me lasts night, she came to me crying, in my life i never pictured her crying"

"She cried?!"

"So much, it was too sad to listen to"

"How's she doing?"

"Holding up I guess, I tried giving her a day off but she refused, saying she had alot of paper works"

"Chae said she fell out of love"

"That's not my Chipmunk Jen"

"I kno-, wait you're Chipmunk!??"

"Haha, don't get jealous"

"I-im n-not jealous!!"

"Yah sure", before we can talk again a man in a suit came to Lisa

"Ms Lisa, we have to go"

"Oh man, yah okay, sounds like I have to go now Jen",

"Okay bye lis, but WAIT!!, c-can I get y-your n-number?"

"Yeah sure", she hand me her phone and I typed in it and save my contact as 'Nini💗"
She then told me her number and saved her contact.

"See yah tomorrow Jen, or should i say hear you, hahah, get it? I can't see remember? Haha"

"Thats not funny lis"

"Grumpy mandu"
She said as she walked away.

I have a chance now, I'll get her back.

*Jisoo POV*

*skip to night*

I look up at the sky, and I felt another tear slipped my eye, I never liked to cry, I hurts so much, It's hard to breathe, It feels like someone is choking me.

I took my last sip of whiskey i had in my glass, Lisa doesn't drink, her dad does when he visits, so i see no harm in drinking.
Feeling the hot yet cold liquid rush down my throat, i exhale with relief, I quickly whipped my tears and went to sleep.

Getting over her is gonna be hard,
But forgetting her is impossible.


Has grammatical errors

Changed the Title and Book cover
Hope y'all like it❤️❤️❤️

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now