22 (The End)

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*this chapter May contain grammatical errors*

*1 month later*

*Jisoo's POV*
I walked around the room, Im hyperventilating, oh my gosh, today is the day,
The door open and I saw Lisa

"Bro you okay?"

"What? Hm? What?, yeah im fine im fine, im totally fine"

"Okay okay, calm down"

"Im calm bro!"

"No you're not", the the door opened again and in came my mom

"Jisoo you re-, yah!!! You okay?"

"M-mom i dont know!", I shook my hands and kept pacing around the room as lisa and my mom tried to calm me down

"Guys whats going on!!",my Dad poked his head in the room

"She's nervous", lisa answered

"I-im not nervous!!"

"Ohhhhh i know what will help you calm down!!", my dad said and ran out

"I hope its not alcohol, i cant stand straight if im drunk, and if im drunk Chae will be mad, and if she is mad i might have to sleep in the couch, and if i sleep on the couch I would have back pain, and if i tell chae about the back pain she'll say its my fault in the first place and-", I stopped talk with something covered my eyes

"What the fuck!?", those tiny hands


"Hi baby", her sweet voice, I tried to take her hands off but she stopped me

"I don't want you to see me now", I heard her giggle, It made me smile

"Okay close your yes, don't peak", I did exactly what she said, she turned me around and placed her hand on my face

"I love you Chu, and it's ok to be nervous, I am too"

"How- how did you get here?, how did you know i was nervous?", I said while my eyes are still closed

"Your dad came for me and told me what's happening, so i came", I sighed

"Im sorry", I said sincerely

"Its okay", she pecked my lips

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby girl and baby boy"

"I can't wait either, wait, baby boy? And baby girl?", I asked

"Yes, we're having twins"

"Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!", I kept jumping while my eyes were closed

"Okay okay, don't hurt yourself", she grabbed my hands and pulled me back, I then placed one of my hand on her baby bump and rub a bit

"I love you", I said while smiling, while my eyes are still clothes

"I love you too........and by the way, you look good in your suit baby!", I blushed

"Thank you, I can't wait to see your dress"

"Not long more", she leaned into be and we hugged

"You guys are the sweetest couple", I heard Jennie say

"Lisa stop moving around, you're gonna hurt yourself self!!"

"Im sorry, I can't see baby, you told me to close my eyes!!!", she whined, I heard Jennie sighed

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now