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*Jisoo's POV*

I was sitting on the couch, with Rosè cuddling into my side,


"Yes my love?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

We then leaned in to kiss, but everything stopped, she was just there looking at me

"Wake up", she says


"You have to wake up"

"I am awake"

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

I stood up and backed away as she kept saying that, i was about to run but i bumped into Lisa,

"Lisa, help me, something is wrong with Rosè"

"What do you mean?", she turned her head to where chaeyoung was then she turned back to be with a blank expression

"Wake up Jisoo", she said,

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

I stared to freaked out, the i saw Jennie standing at the door

"Wake up Jisoo", she said

"Why is everyone saying that!!!?"

"Wake up Jisoo", the all said in unison

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

"Wake up Jisoo"

I got angry and pushed pass Jennie but when I opened the door there was a bright light, and then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes, It started to hurt, I couldn't hear anything, my eyes were struggling to adjust to the light, then my hearing was slowly coming back and I can hear beeping noice, once my eyes adjusted, I could clearly see that i was on a hospital bed, with a lot of tubes attached to me, I looked to my right and I see Lisa sitting there, sleeping, I tried to call for her but it came out hoarse, I tried again and came out a little harder and better, she started to stir awake and then I called again,

"Jisoo!!?, is that you!?, are you awake!!?"

"Yes", It came out like a whisper,

She started to call the doctors, and they came rushing in to check on me

*4 hours later*

I saw Jennie walk in with Lisa, she was guiding her to sit on the chair,
She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Hey chu"


"How are you?"

"Im okay, Im confused though, I hoping you guys can explain to me"

"Well, it's a long  story, don't you think you need some rest?"

"Jen, the Doctor said I was in a Coma for 7 months, I think i got enough rest", I chuckled and she smiled,

"Okay, But can't you remember anything?"

"No, not really, I don't remember how I got here"

"Well, the day your mansion was finished, you walked in, and i guess you missed Chae, because you once told me that that everything in the house reminded you of her, and then I think you ended up at a bar, you didn't drive and go, you walked, but you got drunk at the bar, the owner said that he had to beg you to go home, because you started to cry, and his customers didn't want to see it so you came out and started to walk home when a car hit you, the eye whitenesses said that it looked like someone did it one purpose, because you were hit on the pavement, and the car drove away"

"WOW, thats ALOT to take in"

"Yes, I know, but you really don't remember anything?"

"No Jen, all this time I've been living in a dream, I knew it was too good to be true"

"What dream?"

"A dream where Lisa got her vision back, and you guys started to date again, and where Chae and I were dating again too"

I saw Jennie blush

"You dreamt that me and Lisa started to date again?"


"Well chu, I am going to do a surgery soon", I heard Lisa say,

"Thats great, but in my dreams, you went to Taiwan to do the surgery couple weeks ago"

"Jisoo, when I went to Taiwan, i close one of the biggest deals for our company making us #1 In Asia"


"You really can't remember?"

"I guess there are some parts that need to be filled in"

"The doctor said that might happen, but he said it will all come back to you"



"How's Chaeyoung?"

"She's.......fine, I guess, since I told her about the accident, she seem to be acting differently"

"Hmm, okay"

"She's still with Hanbin though, Im sorry"

"Somethings aren't meant to be Jen, and now, I can only wish happiness for her"

She nodded

"The doctor said you will be discharged in a week, he just wants to monitor you"

"Okay good, and if you guys don't mind, somehow I'm tired", I laughed, and the chuckled

"Okay chicken, we'll leave you to it"

"Thank you"

"Call us if you need anything"

"I will"

As soon as they left I laid my head on the pillow, If only the coma  erased you from my memories I wouldn't be in such agony, A tear slipped my eye again, I wiped it away, this love has taken it's turn, maybe its time for me to move on.


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now