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*Rosè's POV*

Bed shaking, un even breaths, moans and skin slapping could be heard.

Hanbin is 'making love' to me, I feel wrong, Since I heard about Jisoo's accident I can't seem to stop thinking about her, I want to visit her, she's been in a coma, and I heard from Jennie Unnie that she woke up, I was so relieved.

I came out of my thought when I heard a loud groan, Apparently Hanbin came, I totally forgot we were having sex, I quickly faked an orgasm, he then pulled out and dropped beside me, I quickly got up and put on my clothes

"What are you doing babe?, I thought you were gonna spend the night", he said while resting his back on the bed head

"Um....I've got work to do", I said and quickly left.

I quickly got in my car and sat there for a while, Jisoo bought me this car a month after she got her partnership with Lisa, I sighed, and started the car and drove off.

I reached my workplace, even though its 11:00PM the guard allowed me to go in, I have work to do, maybe I can get my mind off of everything.

*2 hours later*

Its 1 am, and I just finished my work, I packed up my files and opened my desk draw to put them in when I saw a picture of me and chu, It was back when we were in high school, why the fuck is she every where!, I sighed and picked up the picture, it was out 1st Anniversary, I told her I didn't want anything big, so she took me far away from home, for a picnic, the place was beautiful, I always wanted to go back but I was always busy, and Chu was always willing to take me there, I Sighed again, I put the picture back into my desk and closed it, I packed up and left to go home.

When I arrived home Jennie was typing on her computer, she noticed me when I entered

"Its late Chae, where were you?"

"Work, doing the finishing touches"

"Okay, You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, um....so H-how's Chu?", I asked and she looked up from her computer to look at me.

"Chu is um, fine, she's getting better"

"Thats good news", I said as i sat on the couch

"She, um, she misses you Chae", I looked her and give her a small smile

I miss her too, I went to my room and got ready for bed, I laid in bed, and was thinking about how Chu would be cuddling me right now, I regret everything, I just wish if just stayed loyal to her.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*next morning*

*Jisoo's POV*

Well, today Im getting out of the hospital, I can't wait to go home, and start working, Ugh i fell useless, I miss eating chicken.

Lisa will be here to pick me up, she did her surgery, and well, she can see now, I just hope she and Jennie can work something out, I can see that they flirt with each other but not enough, guess I have to play matchmaker.

"You ready Chu?"

"Yesh, I was born ready", I said and she chuckled.

"Maybe on the way we can stop at a restaurant for lunch?"

"Ah hell yeah!"

"Great, m-maybe you can i-invite Jennie"

"Ah sure",  i guess I don't have to play match maker, hehe.

I quickly called Jennie to meet us up at a restaurant.

*at the restaurant*

"Hmm, Guys order chicken for me, any chicken, Ima go to the washroom", I said and left them, heheh,

*At the washroom*

Her I am, for about half an hour now playing games, I honestly don't wanna disturb them, I poked my head out the door to see what they're doing, oh my gawd both of them are flirting and blushing, They finna fuck in a couple of days.


I walked out and sat down to eat, we all ate and laughed till Jennie said something that caught everyone off guard.

"Chae asked about you last night"


"Um...what did she say?"

"She asked if you were okay, and i said you're fine and how you missed her"

"Jennie!!!, why did you say that!!?, she might think I'm a creep!!", I whined and she laughed

The rest of the lunch was filled with them laughing me.

When we got home I went straight to bed and sleep, today was a long day and I missed my bed.


May contain grammatical errors
Please enjoy ❤️

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now