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*Jisoo's POV*

*3 months later*

Well, here I am , walking to what used to be my apartment, Jennie and Rosè got two weeks off after the fashion week, seeing that I asked Lisa for a day off, I told her about the mansion next door, she was proud of me, It's now completed, and I'm heading to the apartment to pick up Jennie so we can go furniture shopping, she has style so why not?.

Me?, I'm...... Jisoo, I'm okay, I still miss her, Lisa told me two weeks ago that Hanbin left her for some dude, he was gay all the time, I would lie if i say the situation isn't funny, but I cannot help but wonder if i still have a chance, I quickly shook that thought out of my head when i saw her standing in front of me,


"Uh...hey Ba-Chaeyoung"

"Unnie's almost finished", i nodded and stood awkwardly until she spoke again.

"How are you?, Jen said you built a mansion"

"Im fine, and uhh yeah, I built it, well I don't want to make you feel bad but umm...... I built it for us, before we broke up i started building, I wasn't planning to leave Jennie, Like you know, I was planning to marry you and stuff"


"Heh yeh"

"Im sorry Chu, I really am, I hate myself, since Hanbin left me i was hurt, but I realized that i hurt you more, and I just wanted to apologize", i smiled

"Friends?", i stretched my hands out for her to shake

"Best friends", she hugged me,
It pained a little, I wanted her to be with me again, and continue from what we left, but I guess having her in my life as a best friend is better than not having her

*Jennie's POV*

"Sorry chu, I woke up late", I said as I rushed to the door and see a Chaesoo moment happening, I say Rosè's head resting on Jisoo's chest, while Jisoo's hand was resting on her waist

(Authors Note: Jisoo is Taller than Rosè in here lol)

I raised my brows at the view and cleared my throat and they jumped apart, I silently chuckled,

"Lets go chu?"

"Yeah, yeah, Chae wanna come?"


*skip to night*

Well that was exhausting, i slumped down on my bed, and shut my eyes for a minute and my mind went back to the date I had with lisa couple weeks ago.


I heard my phone rang and when i answered it , I heard her voice,

"Im here Jen"

"I'm coming!!", she chuckled

I hanged up and dashed out the door,

"Hiiiii", i said as i saw her standing at the car door waiting for me, I quickly ran into her arms and buried my face in her chest for a sec then i pulled away, we quickly got in the car and drive away.

*skip to the actual part of the date*

"Here we are", she said

"Yay!!, what is it though? Heh"

"It's an art studio, duh!, I know a good friend who is good at art, 'Son Chaeyoung', it's her studio, she let me borrow it for tonight"

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now