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Jennie's POV

Its been 2 weeks now, and i wake up early every morning so i can see Lisa at the café, She always sit at the same spot, ready a book, and i always sit at another spot close to her, looking at her, I get it, I realized I'm a creep, but give a girl a break, I'm in love.

I ran to the cafe so I can reach extra early, so I can see her, but when i got there, she was at her usual spot.

I decided to wait a little, but she didn't show, it was already 9:00, so I got up and ran to work, maybe she had something important to do.

*next 4 weeks*

I haven't seen Lisa in 4 god damn weeks, its like she disappeared, and I can't talk to chae about it, she will think I'm a creep, I'm starting to get worried, I don't even hear Lisa's and Chae's phone calls anymore, everything is just so stressful, i barely sleep at night again, and sometimes I cry, only sometimes.

I decided to get Rosè to talk about her, I walked out my room and saw her eating ramen and watch frozen,

"Hey Rosè"

"Hey unnie, wassup?"

"Nothing really, just bored and a little tired, but you know, i just wanna watch something to get my mind off work"


"So how's everything?"

She looks at me confusingly

"Unnie, we live and work together, why are you asking me that?"

"Just tryna start conversation"


"So hows Lisa?"

"She's fine"


*Rosè POV*


*Jisoo's POV*

I was doing my work, when Rosè called,

"Hey Princess, hows your afternoon going?, I miss you like sooooo much, I can't wait to come home and cuddle tonight"

"Cool, where's Lisa? Have you heard anything about her?"

I frowned when she ignored everything i just said,

"She's on vacation, in Taiwan, maybe she decided to take some time off from everything"

"Ugh, she couldn't have told me!, gosh"

"I bet she'll bring back treats for you"

"I hope she does, hows wo-, OH MY GOSH, Nooo, babe i gotta go"

"Oh wow, um okay I love y.."

She hanged up the call, she's been like this for 2 weeks now, ugh.
I continued my work and Lisa's.

*Jennie's POV*

*1 week later*

I walked in the café and ordered my coffee and from the corner of my eyes I saw Lisa, there she is, still the same, she is ready, still running her hand over the pages, with her dark glasses on, I quickly sat down on the table close to her and watch her.

"Jen, I know you watch me, I can smell you"

I jumped, I was caught, I didn't utter a word

"Gonna give me the silent treatment? Okay"

"Is my perfume that high?"

"No but I know your scent anywhere"

"Oh", i blushed

"Come here lets chat", she close her book waiting for me to come and talk to her,

"How have you been?"

We continued to chat, till I realized that i still have to go to work, I told her that I have to leave, and then she got up and gave me a goodbye hug, its the first contact in years, I wanted to stay in her arms but I was running late.

"Rosè's POV"

*later that night*

My phone rang, i saw the caller ID and I quickly answered,

"YAH, you disappeared!!!!!,"

"Im sorry chae, I just needed some me time"

"Could've told me, smh"

"Sorry okay?"

"So how was the past few weeks?"

"Horrible, Fashion week is coming up, and Jennie, Me and our colleagues are running around like cats and dogs trying to finish everything"

"Oh....thats terrible, on the bright side, you have a nice body, if you quit the fashion career, you can be a stripper"

"Shut up monkey"

"No you shut up chipmunk"

"Make me!"

"I talked to Jennie today!"







"Oh wow that did shut me up, How though?"

"Well I smelt her as always, and I started to talk, at first she didn't talk but then she did, I invited her to sit with me and we talked for awhile"

"That explains why she was late this morning"

"Maybe, but it was nice talking to her, I missed her, maybe giving her a chance wouldn't be too bad"

"Finally!!, took you long enough grandpa"

"A sexy grandpa though"

"Eww, so cocky"

"EwW, sO CoCkY"

"I'm gonna go to bed before you spoil my night, bye, love you"

"Cool, love you too, bye Chae"

As soon as i hanged up i got a phone call,

"Hey babe, did you tell Jisoo yet?"

"Hanbin!, I can't right now okay!!?, she lives with me and Jennie, where would she go??"

"Babe I Dont care, just end it, that way we won't have to hide it"

"Ugh, fine, Im gonna go to bed now, I love you babe, and I can't wait to sneak around the office tomorrow again"

"I love you too babe"

As soon as I hanged up i heard

"Im sure Lisa is blind, and she can't sneak around like that, so that only brings me to one conclusion, and don't lie, I know his name, Who is Hanbin?", i heard Jisoo say with an angry/ sad tone.

I gulped as i turned around.


Might have grammatical errors

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now