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Jennie's POV

It's been weeks, I haven't see Lisa,
I cried at night, every night since that day,
I regret my words.

I tried to contact her but it's always out of service, i went to her house but no one's there,
I asked Chaeyoung but she ignores me, i asked Jisoo to asked Chaeyoung, but she simply doesn't answer her, they are still a couple.

At night i miss her, the way how she would hold me, and run her fingers through my hair till i fall asleep, i missed the way i would wake up and lay on her chest to hear her heart, it was my favorite sound, everything i do I remember her, she's been with me for more than half my life, i sometimes find myself struggling to do things, mostly because she used to do it for me.
How can i be so selfish?,
Lili stayed by my side through thick and thin, and help me with the fact that I couldn't see anything, and when she asked for my hand in marriage, i got scared just because the thought of me having to watch out for her all the time, when she was always protecting me without complaining,
I love her, I miss her.
Come back to me Lisa,
I'll take care if you this time,
I wonder,
Do you still miss me?
Is there any place in your heart where you fit me in and forgive me?

Forgive me.

*1 year later*

Its been a year already, and nothing got better,
I wonder if she is fine, wherever she is, is she being taken cared of?
I should be taking care of her,
I miss the way she would make me laugh, her touch, the way she would let me run my thumbs over her face to try and picture her in my mind, she was more beautiful in person, i can even say handsome.

I remember the stories she would tell me, how she wanted me to see the world,
I didn't know that it meant that she wouldn't see it again.

Sometimes, i stare at my eyes.......no her eyes in the mirror, and i cry, she had beautiful eyes,
There's her everywhere i go,
I hope she knows i miss her.

Rosè POV

'Bitch', i thought while i looked at Jennie, she's lucky i still love her, I know she regrets everything, she's always sulking, but Lisa asked me to watch over her, i talk to Lisa every night, she's getting used to being blind, imagine being so in love with someone, she sacrificed her sight, i still ship jenlisa tho 👀, I can't say that out loud,
I just hope that one day they will meet again, and rekindle the fire that they had for each other in there hearts,
Because from both point of view, they're both burning out like candles.

*after school*

I went home and Jisoo came to 'hang out', we made out for a while, the we had to stop knowing that my parents came home, my parents know about Jisoo, they love her, they always tell me that they can't see me with anybody else, and i agree.

After 2 more hours Jisoo went home, well more like i chased her home because i found out she had homework, I went to eat dinner with my family and then I went to my room and git ready for bed.

As soon as i walked out the bathroom my phone rang,

"Hey lis", i said

"Hey Chipmuck"

"Yah, stop it you monkey"

"I'm not a monkey, but if i was, i would be a sexy one"

"Aish, anyways, how's Thailand?"

"It's great, the food is great, you would love it"

"Great, now I'm hungry again"

"How are you?"

"I'm getting used to it chae"

"Thats great!, listen i have to go, i have a quiz first thing tomorrow and the last thing i want to be is late, so ima go, love you lis"

"Okay, goodluck, love you too"

And with that i hanged up and went to bed.


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now