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*1 year later*

Jennie's POV
Two months ago, I graduated college with a degree in fashion, along side Jisoo and Rosè.
Rosè did the same thing as me, we agreed on starting a business together, but we would have to work up to that,
Jisoo got a degree in business, she is now aspiring as a young entrepreneur, Lisa's would've been doing the same thing, and maybe a part time job as a photographer, to this day I still think about her.

All three of us agreed on going to Thailand to live since it's been my favorite country since i was small.

Im now walking onto the plane, wishing she was still beside me,
I miss how she would guide me, i just wish that she was here with me walking into our new lives.

We're in the air already and I realized that sitting down next to a couple with raging hormones on a plane is the worst, these two throw sexual comments every second, ugh, they're lucky i love them.

"Rosè, do you think we can get away with it in the washroom??", Jisoo asked

"Ouuu I've never done it on a plane before", Rosè replied,

I rolled my eyes and decided to go and sleep, before i went to sleep i plugged in my head phones and listened to Blackpink 'Stay',

*after the flight*

After we checked out of the airport we headed to an apartment we will be renting together, after unpacking,
It was already night so i went and prepared for bed, tomorrow Rosè and I will start our job at a designer company, while Jisoo will head out to look for a job.

As soon as my head rested on my pillow i was out cold.

Rosè POV

"Lis, we landed a couple of hours ago, we're now preparing for bed", i told her over the phone,

"Ah, thats great, why don't you tell Jisoo to head over to my company tomorrow so we can make an agreement, with her by my side my company could thrive, we could be business partners.", she said,

"Wow thanks lis, Jisoo would be happy", i said,

Everything was quiet for a second,
Till she spoke again.

"How is she?"

"She's doing fine, i guess, she still loves you lis, try for me, i know it's hard, but just try"

"I will chae, i just need a little more time, i mean we are bound to meet here"

"How are you doing?"

"Im fine chae, I've gotten used to this blindness a long time ago, you know that and I can't wait for you to meet leo, you will love him", she said telling me about her dog, she got one to help her move around, it's an Alaskan Malamute
(Authors Note: Just pretend leo is a dog)

"I can't wait either, I'll come see you tomorrow for lunch, don't worry I will get away from Jennie"


"So are you gonna do the operation?"

"Definitely, I have to see this world, as soon as they find a doner, I'll do it", i smiled when she said that, I'll have my Best friend back again,

"Okay great, ima go now, you should too, bye love you"

"Okay chae, love you too", i hung up

"You know I'm jealous that you tell Lisa i love you everynight", Jisoo said as she walked in the bedroom,

"Oh shut up, I say it to you too, plus i give you kisses", i said and kisses her,she gave me a satisfied smile.

We then went to bed and cuddled till we fell asleep.

*Next day*

Jisoo's POV

I got up early and helped Jennie cook breakfast, after we finished i woke Rosè up and we ate breakfast, we then started to get ready and left for our day of work,
I called Lisa, and she sent her driver to pick me up
When i stepped into her building, i was in awe, this ass worked her ass off, damn, nothing stopped her,
I walked up to her office, and knocked on the door, there i saw Lisa sitting on the chair, with someone telling her about the stock of the company,

"LALISA MANOBAN!!!!!!", i yelled with excitement,
She got up carefully, and I ran to her, we hugged for a sec , and she asked for some privacy,
We spent the whole day catching up, till she asked me to be her business partner, of course i said yes, she introduced me to the work, and everything was great,
Soon it was lunch, and I saw Rosè walked in with food, I got up

"So you're cheating on me huh?", i asked as a joke.

She ran to Lisa and hugged her tight

"Who wouldn't Jisoo, look at this face", she said pointing to Lisa's face,

Aish, these two, we talked till lunch was over, then she left to go back to work.

Lisa and I chatted for a while more then i told her that i wanted to start working today, and she agreed and we started to do our work as partners in business.

After work i went straight home, seeing that i was tired, Lisa was too, so we both said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

As soon as i stepped foot in our apartment, Rosè hugged me and kissed me, we talked about our day for awhile and then we got ready for bed.

Jennie's POV

*earlier today*

"Rosè you bitch you left me when it was lunch", i said as she walked in

"Sorry unnie, i was catching up with an old friend", she said

"Its Lisa's isn't it?", i asked and it shocked her

"How did you know", she asked

"Rosè I ain't stupid, I know Lisa's in Thailand, where else could she be?, her parents live here, I figured that one out 4 months after, my mistake", i told her truthfully,


"I know right?"

"How is she?"

"She's fine"

I nodded and went back to work,
I came here to work, but if I crossed paths with Lisa, I won't hesitate to hold onto her and never let her go again.


Has alot of grammatical errors
And its probably boring

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now