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*Jennie's POV*
I got up early this morning, and i went to work, Chaeng wasn't awake yet because , she and Jisoo did the nasties last night, we've been living in Thailand for 2 months now, honestly its great, thailand is such a beautiful country, but sadly, i saw no Lisa.

I find it weird and creepy how i look for her everywhere i go,
Chaesoo always points it out how i look for her, at first we laughed it off, but its getting annoying now.

I was walking to my favorite café to grab a coffee and hang a little seeing that i was early.
As i walked in, I went straight to the cashier and ordered my drink,
I took a seat and i waited for my name to call,


my ears perked up when i heard her name,
Thats when i noticed her, she rose her hand and The barista carried to cup to her table seeing that she was blind,
I kept staring at her, she is so beautiful and handsome, she still is after all this time, i kept staring at her, taking in her features,
Her hair is now short, and something of ash grey, she sat down reading a book, running her finger over the pages, I never used to do that, I know alot of people that have the disability to see would read like that, but I didn't, thats because Lisa would always read to me, Whenever I asked she was always ready.

I was so engrossed in looking at her that I didn't realize that the barista was calling my name, I jumped out of my seat and collect my coffee, I found the closest table to her and sat there and stared at her, it was a while, i took all of her in, the way she smiled, her lips, her nose the things i always wandered what she looked like, but as soon as 8:00 strikes the clock she got up and a man with a suit guided her to a car, must be her body guard, Lisa is a successful businesswoman in thailand, and Jisoo became one beside her, they are now labeled the unstoppable duo.

As i watched her walk out I realized that she is here every morning before 8:00, I come here at 8:30 and make it to work by 9:00, well from now I guess I will wake up early to see her, I'm not a creep, okay?,
After i finished drink my coffee i head off to work.

*Rosè's POV*

This bitch left and didn't wake me up ugh

*9 hours later*


Jennie and I got home from work 1 hours ago, we had dinner, we sat and talked about our day and we all laughed, now im getting ready to go to bed, was i walked in the bathroom i started to take my clothes off,

"7 years of being together and your beauty still leaves me stunned", Jisoo said,
I looked at her and smiled sweetly at her, then,

"YAH!!!!, YOU ARE A CREEP IM NAKED!!!, GET OUT!!!", i yelled out,

Jisoo jumped in surprise and tripped on air,
I laughed her as she was staring at me from the floor,

"Wow, now you just look sexy", she said,

I smiled

"Come join me babe, I want a back massage in the tub"

"But I took a bath a couple minutes ago"

"Kim Jisoo, I said I want a massage in the bath tub!",

She jumped an respond

"Yes princess, I'll be right back in a sec", she ran out if the bathroom and i heard Jennie yelled form her room

"Whipped culture!!"

*skip Chaesoo bath time*

cring cring

I heard my phone rang, I know it's lisa, only she would call now,

"Hey Monkey"

"Hey Chipmunk"

"Very funny"

"You started it"

"Whatever, wassup?"

"Im horny"

"Ew, Yah!!!!, what does that have to do with me!!!?"

"Jesus, im joking, I know you're on your period, I could practically hear you by my apartment, demanding stuff from chu every 15 minutes"

"Shut up"

"Yah yah, So um....I was in the Cafè earlier today, you know, normal time, and she was there"

" how did you know?"

" I know her scent from anywhere chae, its her trust me"

"Well maybe she saw you"

"I think she did"

"Thats great isn't it?, remember? The whole faith thing?"

"Yah I did, but I'm not gonna let her in easy"

"Why are you punishing our mandu?"

"I'm not, plus you're the one who told me to not open up to her that easy"

"Thats was years ago, I've matured"

"Yes, you matured into a chipmunk. Bye chae love you"

"Fuck you, and love you too"

I hanged up and put my phone to charge, then i got hungry

"Jisoo!!!!!!!!", i called out,

"Huh!?, what!?, is somebody hurt!?", she said as she fell out of bed beside me and got up quickly,

"Im hungry"

She stared at me for a while with a blank face,

"What do you want to eat?"


"I'll go make it then"

"Yayyy, iloveyouuuuuu", i said as i gave her multiple kisses and followed her to the kitchen.

"Whipped!!!", i heard Jennie say,

"Oh shut up mandu!!", Jisoo retorted.


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now