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Jennie's POV
I haven't seen lisa in 3 years, one more year of college and I'll graduate, I still miss her.

Walking through the halls i spot Jisoo unnie and Chaeng,
Rosè forgave me already but she still don't want to tell me where Lisa is, all i want is to her her voice, her laugh.

Like are her hands still soft?, does her lips still taste like strawberries?, what colour is her hair?,
I wish i took the time to take in her beauty the day she proposed, i wished i said yes, I would've been engaged and happy by now.

The beginning of last years my parents found out about me and Lisa, to say that they were disappointed was an understatement, they kept telling me how much she loves me, and how she probably still do, yeah right, what kind of person would love someone who broke their heart?.

"JENNIE!!", i jumped out of my thoughts when i heard Jisoo unnie yelled my name,

"Wahhhh!!, what happened!?", i asked frightened,

"We're gonna be late for class love", she said sweetly, like if she didn't went all hulk on me just now.
We quickly walked to class and i sat down in my normal seat, then a scent of a STRONG male deodorant caught my nose, it burned the inner part and it make my eyes water,
I already knew who it was

"Babygirl Jennie", he said

"What do you want duckface?", i replied with my cold attitude.

"Ou feisty, just the way i like it, why Don't you come over my place tonight so we can Netflix and chill?", he said,

"Miss Dara!", i yelled out to our teacher,

"Yes dear?", she turned around ti face me,

"Kai is being a pervert", i yelled and made sure the whole class heard, everyone snickered.
(Authors note: No hate to kai)

"Duckfa.....i mean Kai, i warned you about the other 4 times, now you pissed me off, go to the principal, immediately", she said almost bursting into anger,

"But Miss!!!!!!, is it wrong to ask a girl out!!!", he whined,

"No, but being a pervert, and getting rejected then whining like a baby is embarrassing, so go now",she said as everyone laughed him and she continued her work while he grabbed his stuff and walked out,

I smiled in victory,
"Asshole", i whispered,

After a few minutes the bell rang signaling lunch,
I took my tome and walked to the cafeteria, and stood in line to collect my lunch then i turned around looking for Jisoo Unnie and Rosè,
"JENNIE!!!, over here!!!", i turn my head to the voice as saw them sitting at the far ed of the cafeteria,
I quickly walked to them and sat down, through out the whole lunch they flirted and gave each other little kisses, at one time Rosè held Jisoo's head firmly and she started to passionately kiss Jisoo, they were like that for a good five minutes, Jisoo pulled back, but Rosè held her down good, they then relaunch that i was still there, and they instantly pulled apart and started to apologize,
I told them its okay because there are a couple, and they nodded, seeing them like that made me miss Lisa, i bet if she was here she would've said something out of the way and it wouldn't made me laugh.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for the afternoon session.

*Skip to Night*

I'd just finished eating and getting ready for bed, now i was laying on my bed think about the one and only love of my life, a tear slipped my eye as I remembered the times we spent together, then I eventually fell asleep.

*That Same Night*

Rosè's POV

"Lisa ya, why don't you talk to her?, or give her some kind of hope?, she's so sad, even Jisoo's stupid jokes don't make her laugh as much as she used to", i said to Lisa over the phone,

"Chae, let's be honest, your girlfriend's jokes doesn't make me laugh either", she said then laughed, i smiled knowing she is opening up again,

"But I don't know chae, Jennie's got her whole life ahead of her, I Don't wanna stand in her way and be a burden, let her be, she will move on one day, but if the universe thinks we belong together , we will find each others hearts", Lisa said

"Okay lis, I understand, and go to bed now, its late, bye, love you" i said,

"Love you too chae", she said and hung up

"Yah!!!, are you cheating on me!? , who else do you love!?", i chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully as Jisoo shouted,

"Its not funny Rosè", i can sense her jealousy,

"Calms yah chickens babe, I was talking to Lisa", i said

"Ohhh, okay cool, now do i get my 'iloveyou'?", she asked,

"Oh my, it seems as though i used it all on Lisa, sorry babe, next time", i said, then i felt her grabbed my waist and held me in place,

"Give me my 'iloveyou' Rosè , or i will punish you", she said with a smirk,

"Ouu I haven't been punished in a while......daddy", as soon as i said that she connected our lips and we started to make out, i felt her get hard, yes Jisoo has a friend down there, I don't care, I love her
She started to take off my shirt and the rest was history.


A little but if Chaesoo

Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now