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Lisa's POV

"Are you sure lis?", asked chae,

"Yes, she said she would marry me if she could see, i know she's joking, but i still want her to see the world", i replied,

And okay was heard from Rosè, as i signed the contract the doctor gave me,

"Okay next week will be operation", the doctor said and I nodded.

* 1 week later*

"Babe!!!! I have great news!!!!!, the doctors found a donor!!!!", Jennie said,
"Jinja!?" I  said acting like I didn't know
"Tomorrow is the operation, i am so nervous" , she said
"Everything will be okay baby, i cant wait!" I replied.

*day of the operation*

Today's the operation and I'm nervous, so much questions are bombarding my mind.
'Will she still love me if I'm blind?'
"Would she stay with me and take care of me like i did?",
My heart grew in pain, but i was soon interrupted my the doctor,

"Ms. Manoban?, we're ready for you", i quickly got up and went ahead.

*after the operation*

I was discharged earlier than Jennie, I couldn't contact her because i had to grow accustomed to be in the dark all the time.

I called Rosè
"Hey chae, can you bring me to a jewelry store?",

"Yah sure, but why?"

"The plan, remember?, i will propose to her tomorrow"

"Oh right, im on my way, Jisoo is with me"

"Thats better, bye"

After a few minutes, I heard keys opening my house, Rosè came in

"Hey love", she said

"Hiii", i turned to the sound of her voice,

"Don't call her 'love', I'm your 'love'" i heard Jisoo say,

We all laughed a bit and then head to the shop

When I was there, i held onto Jisoo and asked her to help me pick one out, she picked one,
I felt her place something in my hand,

I ran my finger over it, it felt precious and beautiful, she said Jennie would like that.

I ran my finger over it, it felt precious and beautiful, she said Jennie would like that

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I smiled thinking about her saying yes.

After i finished paying for it, we went back home and i went to sleep.

*the next day*

Today Jennie was being released from the hospital,

So i called her

Yah!!!!!, its been two weeks, whats wrong with you!?", i heard her yell over the phone, after weeks i heard her angelic voice
"Its not funny lisa!", she said,
"Im sorry babe, i was really busy, but I'll visit today, Rosè will bring me by, oh and by the way, i have a surprise for you, i have to go now, bye, love you", i said and hang up.

After 2 hours, Rosè and I were on our way to Jennie's house, i felt the car stop, and i heard the door by Rosè opened, she then came over to my side and opened my door, and i felt her soft hand grab mines, signaling me to step out.
She guided me to the house and as soon as i step onto the porch i smelt her, my Jennie, my one and only.

So I immediately kneeled down, and said
""You said that if you got your eyes before we graduate you would marry me......so Jennie Kim, can you make me the happiest person in this universe and marry me?", i said whole heartedly and then looked up,

I heard nothing,
Then i asked,
"Chae is she still there or did i just proposed to the wall?",
I then heard her say the words that broke my heart,
" I can't Marry you lisa, you're blind",
Tears formed in her eyes,
then i heard walk away
And before she closed the door, i told her what my heart wanted to say, even though it hurts
"I hope you live a great life, see the world with my eyes Jennie, i will always love you",

And with that i got up, and with the help of Rosè, we walked back to car car quickly and left,
It hurt, it hurt so much,
I gave her everything,
I know she was scared, but I couldn't stay here anymore.

I called my parents, and i moved back to thailand,

And then i studied there, privately.

The beautiful memories of Jennie still haunts me to this day.


Regrets (A Jenlisa & Chaesoo fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now